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The Old HHN 30 Speculation Thread (2020)

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Also something I didn’t bring up but that Peter Pan snippet makes it sounds like Legacy may be right about his “Bedtime Stories - The Tooth Fairy” theory.
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I’m just gonna throw a wild guess out there and say what if the anniversary house is not a bunch of random of houses that have no correlation to each other but instead they are house scenes from a specific town that each of the houses have taken place in... All I’m saying is what if this “Depths of Fear” scene is actually something else that takes place in a underground water treatment plant..
I’m just gonna throw a wild guess out there and say what if the anniversary house is not a bunch of random of houses that have no correlation to each other but instead they are house scenes from a specific town that each of the houses have taken place in... All I’m saying is what if this “Depths of Fear” scene is actually something else that takes place in a underground water treatment plant..

That would make a lot of sense considering the mess Depths Of Fear purportedly was...
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I’m just gonna throw a wild guess out there and say what if the anniversary house is not a bunch of random of houses that have no correlation to each other but instead they are house scenes from a specific town that each of the houses have taken place in... All I’m saying is what if this “Depths of Fear” scene is actually something else that takes place in a underground water treatment plant..

Like oh say Carey, OH?
Yes! Like think about It.. It would just not make a lot of sense for Depths to be coming back.. what would make more sense if its a certain creature from the sewer.. which the sewers are also in a town where a bunch of other crazy incidents have happened which are also featured in the house.. possibility?
And also think about the fact that they have had 3 different article postings all about storylines from said town..
Yes! Like think about It.. It would just not make a lot of sense for Depths to be coming back.. what would make more sense if its a certain creature from the sewer.. which the sewers are also in a town where a bunch of other crazy incidents have happened which are also featured in the house.. possibility?
And also think about the fact that they have had 3 different article postings all about storylines from said town..
So, you’re saying that, instead of using the poorly received Depths, they’re using the poorly received and forgotten Spawning.

Sculders vs. Mouthbrooders, I mean that would be a good fight right? I wouldn't know about a house but thought it seems sorta ehh forget it.
So, you’re saying that, instead of using the poorly received Depths, they’re using the poorly received and forgotten Spawning.

I mean, which would you rather have? I’m leaning more towards all of the house scenes being from Carey, which in that case Depths of Fear would make absolutely no sense. But The Spawning, while yes also poorly received, would correlate better with the other house scenes. Also they could have easily redesigned the Sculders, just like some are implying if its Depths that they could have redesigned the Mouthbrooders. And no the general public doesn’t need to know what The Spawning is because this house would not be for the GP it is for the Fans. And a house all about Carey and its history would make more sense for the fans. Rather than placing a scene from a house that we just saw LAST YEAR. But thats what I’m thinking. However we don’t for sure know what is truly going to be in the house until its announced.
Man our line up looks real good after you see Hollywood’s. Yikes
Yeah agree I'd actually probably pass on going if I was out there this year.
A bad movie doesn't mean a bad house and a good movie doesn't mean a good house. It's chainsaws. I'm sure they'll find a way to make it scary.
THIS 1000 times THIS. Quality of movie doesn't equal quality of house. But there are movies that just seem like they don't translate to a good house and other movies that seem to translate really well.
Told ya’ll it could be TCM 3D.
Will TCM 3D be IN 3D at the event tho??????
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Not sure if you guys are familiar with the YouTuber channel HHN Legacy, but the guy that runs it seems to have a pretty good idea of what’s happening each year. Today on Twitter, in three separate posts, he posted a gif saying I love secrets, he reposted a past video of him talking about an Eilish house, and he reposted a past video of him talking about a conjuring house with the eyes emoji. Just thought it was interesting, but could be reading into it
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