Sting has been my favorite wrestler since I was like 2 years old so that was an awesome moment for me. Looks like it's Sting/HHH at Mania and not Taker. Unless they do Sting/HHH at the Rumble. I would like to see him have more than just one match. Awesome moment though for sure
Great moment for Ziggler as well. I like the guy a lot but they never pull the trigger on him and have so many opportunities to but I can't get excited for him just yet. See the Raw after WrestleMania 29, probably biggest pop of this decade (which I was in attendance for). It would be great to see him win the Rumble, but they seem all in on Roman Reigns for that spot. Nothing against Reigns but in his absence there's so many other guys that have stepped up that I rather see get it. Ambrose, Ziggler, Ryback, possibly a returning Daniel Bryan. I feel like no one would give a damn about Reigns/Lesnar, but the crowd is steadily behind the above 4 mentioned
Only way I'd wanna see Reigns in the main event is if Lesnar somehow loses the title and Rollins cashes in after that and then you can do a Shield triple threat in the main event. Which would be so epic if you ask me. Lesnar can have another high profile match with the Rock or someone as he gets ready to head back to UFC