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The WWE Thread

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According to PWInsdider, Sting and Randy Orton are both highly expected and anticipated to make returns/debuts at Survivor Series tonight.

I wasn't so hyped up on SS before I heard these rumors. Will definitely be tuning in!
Should be good, most likely main event will go to a no contest because of their involvement.

Looking forward to Bray vs Ambrose the most, two guys that are quite original and atypical, they both have an unpredictability, should be great.
It can't end in a no contest. They have to change the direction. It's a make or break PPV. They can't keep doing the same ol shi...
It can't end in a no contest. They have to change the direction. It's a make or break PPV. They can't keep doing the same ol shi...

I read a rumor that TLC main event might be Orton vs Cena vs Rollins, lol, so same old but with Rollins inserted lol.

Personally, though it sounds counter-intuitive, I think a no contest could actually be the best way to change storylines around. I think the new direction should be a power struggle between Vince and the authority, Sting could very well be introduced as a henchman for Vince. So basically, I am thinking a no contest that will result in a new storyline that will be finalized at wrestlemania. I can't see team Cena lose because I don't think they'd go for a 'four guys trying to get their jobs back' scenario, however, I can't see team authority win either and I definitely cannot see them lose either, as I think the end of the authority should only come through a match involving HHH. Of course I admit that I am a rather big Triple H fan :)
I think (and hope...and pray) that a major change is coming. What Im sensing is kind of a repeat of how WWF was back when WCW showed up. Obviously there is slim competition today but compare the two models of "family oriented" wrestling and you'll see the same product. They most definitely don't have to go to another Attitude Era (I think it would be a mistake...see NWO v.2) but they need good storytelling. We know they can do it and they know we're getting sick of the same old "shi..." as Brian said. Vince is desperate and I believe its leading to some very good things...time will only tell how long and what path they take but tonight will be a very good indicator.

Im pulling for the power struggle angle with Team Cena winning by way of Orton and Sting interference.

It's gonna be a good night fella's.
I marked out big time. My buddy and fiance thought Sting would never actually show up in the ring and would just be doing marketing and stuff (Like for WWE2k15). Also marked out because the pushed Ziggler!
I agree Brian, Ziggler was awesome.
Looking forward to RAW tonight, a lot of momentum going into it, so let us hope it will be great as well.

On another note; Ryback calling himself the big guy was so absurd when except for Ziggler all his teammates were bigger than him :)
Sting has been my favorite wrestler since I was like 2 years old so that was an awesome moment for me. Looks like it's Sting/HHH at Mania and not Taker. Unless they do Sting/HHH at the Rumble. I would like to see him have more than just one match. Awesome moment though for sure

Great moment for Ziggler as well. I like the guy a lot but they never pull the trigger on him and have so many opportunities to but I can't get excited for him just yet. See the Raw after WrestleMania 29, probably biggest pop of this decade (which I was in attendance for). It would be great to see him win the Rumble, but they seem all in on Roman Reigns for that spot. Nothing against Reigns but in his absence there's so many other guys that have stepped up that I rather see get it. Ambrose, Ziggler, Ryback, possibly a returning Daniel Bryan. I feel like no one would give a damn about Reigns/Lesnar, but the crowd is steadily behind the above 4 mentioned

Only way I'd wanna see Reigns in the main event is if Lesnar somehow loses the title and Rollins cashes in after that and then you can do a Shield triple threat in the main event. Which would be so epic if you ask me. Lesnar can have another high profile match with the Rock or someone as he gets ready to head back to UFC
Im being serious when I say that it took me an hour to calm down after the finale last night, and even now thinking about it gets me riled up. I can't believe it actually happened!

Ziggler was incredible. I feel that even if Sting hadn't shown up the match would've carried because of the performance Ziggler gave. Honestly blows my mind (in a great way) that Cena wasn't the one at the end raising his hand. Thank you WWE for finally listening.

But dang man...

Freaking Sting.
It began good, always loving HHH promos, but the show quickly lost momentum. Ambrose vs Harper was good and I like Rowan's development.
Not entirely sure on the Rusev segment, though I did like the philosophy of it, Slaughter was noting but a bully.

Am really hoping Miz and Mizdow will split and the resulting new Sandow will get a push. Storyline would be easy, he finally found out who he is, before he was with Miz he was always finding for a character, now he found himself: Just Sandow.

I don't get what people see in Ryback. His wrestling is ok but his character is just plain nonsensical. The big guy? It is WWE, it is full of big guys! Eric Rowan, that is a big guy ...

Larry the cable guy ... ok, yes, it was lame probably, but I laughed lol ... guilty pleasure :p
That was 3 hours of my life I will never get back.

What a crap-tastic piece of garbage.

It really was when compared to Survivor Series. Lately, it's been the other way around where the PPV sucks and the Raw after is amazing. They had so much momentum going after Survivor Series and dropped the ball big time. Like many of you, I grew up watching Sting and hes always been my favorite wrestler so about lost my s*** when he finally appeared in a WWE ring.
It really was when compared to Survivor Series. Lately, it's been the other way around where the PPV sucks and the Raw after is amazing. They had so much momentum going after Survivor Series and dropped the ball big time. Like many of you, I grew up watching Sting and hes always been my favorite wrestler so about lost my s*** when he finally appeared in a WWE ring.

I agree with the points you make. I honestly don't know what Creative is thinking. They can't possibly write such incredible moments (as we have seen before Sting) only to pull this garbage out of their pants. It baffles me because its shows like last night (and the lacking PPV's) that are driving the terrible numbers for the network. Either Vince has his head up his creative's butts or its the other way around.

Im sincerely baffled.

This scares me for the future of Sting. I mean him being here signifies the end. The end of an iconic career...And the last hoorah of his legacy lies with the hands of WWE Creative.

Color me terrified.
WWE in the fall/winter for the most part just treads water. Nothing really happens. The PPVs are bland, Survivor Series is hit or miss, which we saw the other night was a big hit. But last year for example was headlined by Orton vs Big Show for the title. But I'm not expecting Sting to show up for a while though. Probably in January. Maybe at the Slammy Awards next month. They like doing big things for that show.

But things pick up again around Royal Rumble through WrestleMania. Then go through a quick downtime again, and picks up once again for the summer PPVs like Money in the Bank and SummerSlam
Read on cageside seats that the entire show was rewritten and this rewrite happened only just before RAW began. But hey, maybe the idea is that the shows become so bad we will be begging for the Authority lol
So being curious last night after Raw, when Rollins walked out of the cage instead of what I would assume would be an "easy" pin, I googled Cena's W/L record from the past 2 years.

He only lost 6 times in 2013, 3 being at PPV's. But he was only pinned once, at Summerslam in 2013; however, the loss was an excuse to have time off for a tricep injury. His first match back after time-off? He won the title back at Hell in a Cell.

In PPV's for the past 2 years, he's only been pinned "cleanly" twice. Both at Summerslam.

Guess how many times he's lost on Raw this year? Twice. And he wasn't pinned either time (including the match last night). Most of his matches end up as a victory by DQ.

So WWE... what ever could be the problem of attracting people for the WWE Network?