I think Lesnar really works, his limited days add to the character, he is just an arrogant prize fighter who does not care. I agree that WWE creative is in the slumps though. I am glad Wyatt went solo, he needed this, but the way they dealt with Harper and Rowan is just nonsensical. Cena's character is getting worse and worse, I mean I get that they want Cena to be this hero for kids and that he sells a lot of merchandise, but most of the time he comes over as an arrogant douchebag. The Divas division ... this is total crap thanks to creative, one only needs to look at NXT to see how great it could be. In tag teams, I like the Ascension, but why do they need to use them in such a comic book way? They are great wrestlers, and though I am not against the wasteland gimmick, I am against the cardboard execution. Damien Sandow ... get this guy solo, he is a great wrestler, this guy should be pushed as a midcarder not used as comic relief, same with Adam Rose, decent wrestler but wasted by creative. And then there is Daniel Bryan, one of the most gifted technical wrestlers and hugely popular ...
Vince says he listens to the people, I think he must have a head full of his own people I guess ...
That said, I do like the authority storylines, but then, this is largerly due to HHH, I have always loved him and he manages to pull things off, I also like Rollins a lot ... they need to get something beyond Big Show and Kane though ...