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The WWE Thread

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Im being serious, everyone knows that this is %100 fake. And not all T.V shows are fake. And theme parks aren't fake either.

Its two men, almost naked on top of each other pretending to fight. If your into that kind of stuff thats fine but how is it exciting when you know its rigged ?

For the same reason people go see shows like (theater) plays, or dance performances. It's a form of entertainment. A play is scripted, and you don't know what's going to happen till it happens. Same goes for "show" wrestling like the WWE. It's not my cup of tea, but it's a form of entertainment that a lot of folks enjoy :thumbs:
It looks like I'm giving this a long-needed bump (if anyone still watches this)..

I really thought/hoped that Ziggler would win the Rumble. Disappointed that Cena ended up winning it..again... and that helps set up Rock/Cena 2 with Rock winning the title as well. Wanted Punk to retain but honestly he can't be champ forever, and they finally had a long reign and restored credibility to the title. It would be nice if Punk somehow gets involved in Rock/Cena, or if this is setting up Punk/Undertaker at WM I'm all for it.
And they kill that credibility by giving it to someone who hasn't been a full time wrestler in 10 years while continuing to bury the guys who are there day in and day out. WWE is like WDW. Short term profits that kill the future of the company. Oh and aiming the product at kids.

With that said, the writing and creative team needs to go, starting with the talentless and clueless daughter of his.
And they kill that credibility by giving it to someone who hasn't been a full time wrestler in 10 years while continuing to bury the guys who are there day in and day out. WWE is like WDW. Short term profits that kill the future of the company. Oh and aiming the product at kids.

With that said, the writing and creative team needs to go, starting with the talentless and clueless daughter of his.

He should be around through Wrestlemania..hell he could pull a Kane and lose it tomorrow night. I didn't want him to win, but it doesn't kill all the credibility. It's not like David Arquette winning the title. At least CM Punk got the title's prestige to the level that it was at. That's a big improvement over the title changing hands every 2 weeks. Still better than Cena, Sheamus, Orton, or Ryback winning the title.

The Rumble on the other hand..that's really a chance to push someone but they had Cena win. Ziggler should have won that. He's been having great matches for a while now. I liked his plan to unify the titles. That's something that's desperately needed. The World Heavyweight Championship is a joke, even if Daniel Bryan did have it at one point which was awesome..
He should be around through Wrestlemania..hell he could pull a Kane and lose it tomorrow night. I didn't want him to win, but it doesn't kill all the credibility. It's not like David Arquette winning the title. At least CM Punk got the title's prestige to the level that it was at. That's a big improvement over the title changing hands every 2 weeks. Still better than Cena, Sheamus, Orton, or Ryback winning the title.

The Rumble on the other hand..that's really a chance to push someone but they had Cena win. Ziggler should have won that. He's been having great matches for a while now. I liked his plan to unify the titles. That's something that's desperately needed. The World Heavyweight Championship is a joke, even if Daniel Bryan did have it at one point which was awesome..




The guys who work every single day and still get slighted for a wash-up who shows up when a big movie of his is coming out?




The guys who work every single day and still get slighted for a wash-up who shows up when a big movie of his is coming out?


Really Miz:lol:. I'm a Cena-hater haha. But Orton/Cena/Sheamus seem like the same guy: overcome the odds every match, hit a couple of moves from out of nowhere, and win. Ryback is just..Ryback. But most of the time it's just being shoved down our throats and I just get tired of them winning all of the time. Also find myself liking more of the heels now :look:. At least Rock being champ is something different even if I would have preferred Punk keeping the title. Hell I hope it sets up a Rock or Cena heel turn. Not sure if he could be his old self but heel Cena when he first came up was good.
He should be around through Wrestlemania..hell he could pull a Kane and lose it tomorrow night. I didn't want him to win, but it doesn't kill all the credibility. It's not like David Arquette winning the title. At least CM Punk got the title's prestige to the level that it was at. That's a big improvement over the title changing hands every 2 weeks. Still better than Cena, Sheamus, Orton, or Ryback winning the title.

The Rumble on the other hand..that's really a chance to push someone but they had Cena win. Ziggler should have won that. He's been having great matches for a while now. I liked his plan to unify the titles. That's something that's desperately needed. The World Heavyweight Championship is a joke, even if Daniel Bryan did have it at one point which was awesome..

I mean, I know it is scripted (hope I didn't ruin it for some people LOL), and I know Rock/Cena ONCE IN A LIFETIME EVERY 2 YEARS!!!! is mega bucks, but if we are talking credibility, what they had built with a 434 day reign was killed by giving it to a part timer who had his day in the spotlight. Even if he loses it tomorrow, it was a waste to take it off Punk and give it to Dwayne (my movies are terrible) Johnson.

Part of the problem is, Vince just never gives the other guys a chance to shine. And when he does, they have to be roided up monsters like Skip, I mean Ryback. And then, they kill the character, having them peak way too soon. Not that I think Ryback is a good character anyway. I'm loving the Shield, but how fast will they be buried or that storyline ruined?

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Really Miz:lol:. I'm a Cena-hater haha. But Orton/Cena/Sheamus seem like the same guy: overcome the odds every match, hit a couple of moves from out of nowhere, and win. Ryback is just..Ryback. But most of the time it's just being shoved down our throats and I just get tired of them winning all of the time. Also find myself liking more of the heels now :look:. At least Rock being champ is something different even if I would have preferred Punk keeping the title. Hell I hope it sets up a Rock or Cena heel turn. Not sure if he could be his old self but heel Cena when he first came up was good.

They won't turn Cena heel. Too many kids adore him. Sheamus is boring. Orton has come and gone too. I think his best is behind him. That is, until he turns heel. But still, guys like Ziggler need to be pushed, not buried with Big E and AJ. Time to split that up and let Zig shine.
I mean, I know it is scripted (hope I didn't ruin it for some people LOL), and I know Rock/Cena ONCE IN A LIFETIME EVERY 2 YEARS!!!! is mega bucks, but if we are talking credibility, what they had built with a 434 day reign was killed by giving it to a part timer who had his day in the spotlight. Even if he loses it tomorrow, it was a waste to take it off Punk and give it to Dwayne (my movies are terrible) Johnson.

Part of the problem is, Vince just never gives the other guys a chance to shine. And when he does, they have to be roided up monsters like Skip, I mean Ryback. And then, they kill the character, having them peak way too soon. Not that I think Ryback is a good character anyway. I'm loving the Shield, but how fast will they be buried or that storyline ruined?

Faster than Nexus. Started out great then just sputtered out in a few months and now Wade Barrett can't be more than a mid-carder. And yeah, it was easy to see Vince was going to put the title on Rock and he'll keep it through WM. I mean he'll be going on all the shows and doing appearances for GI Joe, with the title, promoting WM29 at the same time. Vince can't pass that up. But this is still better than having Punk win at MITB and lose it to Del Rio at SS (and Cena, and Del Rio again just so he could be champ when they did Raw from Mexico for the first time.) Not much better, but better.

Fun fact: 10 years ago we had Triple H vs. Scott Steiner for the title at the Rumble. It's hard to match that terribleness.
Orton's got a lot left in him. They just dont use him as he should be.

Championship spotlight

Doesn't Orton has personal issues? I thought rumor was he was leaving sometime soon to take care of stuff in his personal life.

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Faster than Nexus. Started out great then just sputtered out in a few months and now Wade Barrett can't be more than a mid-carder. And yeah, it was easy to see Vince was going to put the title on Rock and he'll keep it through WM. I mean he'll be going on all the shows and doing appearances for GI Joe, with the title, promoting WM29 at the same time. Vince can't pass that up. But this is still better than having Punk win at MITB and lose it to Del Rio at SS (and Cena, and Del Rio again just so he could be champ when they did Raw from Mexico for the first time.) Not much better, but better.

Fun fact: 10 years ago we had Triple H vs. Scott Steiner for the title at the Rumble. It's hard to match that terribleness.

See, Nexus was fun. But, it also felt too much like ECW invasion. And I know Vince wouldn't pass up a chance to market the heck out of Rock/Cena for WM. But again, I think it hurts the long term of the company for short term gain. We see that with WDW. And we see the product has declined. Gotta get the new guys in there. But sadly, half them have already been buried by Superman, I mean Cena.

Is it possible Vince, HHH, and Billion Dollar Clueless Daughter gives us a swerve? Nah, this is WWE lol.
I was always curious as to why he was in and out. Hadnt heard much

I don't believe the dirt sheets half the time. He tweeted and said it wasn't true. Personally, if he took some time off to revamp his character, and come back heel, he'll be a draw again.
I don't believe the dirt sheets half the time. He tweeted and said it wasn't true. Personally, if he took some time off to revamp his character, and come back heel, he'll be a draw again.

The stories about him trashing hotel rooms and crapping in a diva's bag in the locker room is hilarious though. The guy can have anger issues.
Last night was the first time I ordered a Pay Per View in ages.

I'm glad the Rock won. I like CM Punk but his reign got lackluster. He hasn't had a clean title win in months. It just got boring. I'm biased as the Rock is my all time favorite but what can I say? It's going to bring in money and it's going to make casual fans like myself happy. The die hards who love Punk will still watch. Rock will be promoting movies on Leno and Letterman with the WWE championship on his shoulder which is easy WrestleMania promotion. Win/win for WWE.

As for the Rumble, Dolph Ziggler clearly should've won. They are losing the whole brand aspect where it's split which makes me think they will unify the titles. So he wins, challenges the WWE champion and cashes in on the World Heavyweight, and bam, undisputed champion just like Jericho.

Speaking of Jericho, awesome, completely unexpected return.
The stories about him trashing hotel rooms and crapping in a diva's bag in the locker room is hilarious though. The guy can have anger issues.

He does seem to have real life anger issues, doesn't he? LOL.

Last night was the first time I ordered a Pay Per View in ages.

I'm glad the Rock won. I like CM Punk but his reign got lackluster. He hasn't had a clean title win in months. It just got boring. I'm biased as the Rock is my all time favorite but what can I say? It's going to bring in money and it's going to make casual fans like myself happy. The die hards who love Punk will still watch. Rock will be promoting movies on Leno and Letterman with the WWE championship on his shoulder which is easy WrestleMania promotion. Win/win for WWE.

As for the Rumble, Dolph Ziggler clearly should've won. They are losing the whole brand aspect where it's split which makes me think they will unify the titles. So he wins, challenges the WWE champion and cashes in on the World Heavyweight, and bam, undisputed champion just like Jericho.

Speaking of Jericho, awesome, completely unexpected return.

I blame Creative for the lackluster appearance of Punk's reign. They booked him to look like a weak champion. WWE's problems come from Creative, not the talent. I think many of the performers are pretty good with the crap they are given. But, that doesn't change the fact that it is crap.

To be honest, I have been down on the product for a long time now. Nothing they do holds any of my interest. Team Hell No is the most interesting thing they have done in a long time, and that has really started running its course. The Shield is interesting but we all know they will bury them too.

They still could have done Rock/Cena at Wrestlemania for another once in a lifetime match. They didn't need to put the title around a part timer's waist only to give it back to Superman. The WWE is weak. The product is too predictable. No swerves. Nothing. Same old garbage geared toward 8 year olds who don't know any better.

Oh and one other thing. The ending to the championship match last night was down right stupid. Punk does a flying elbow drop to a beat up and out of it Rock but Rock kicks out. Yet, we are supposed to believe Rock's elbow drop is much more devastating? Come on Vince. Stop treating your viewers like WDW treats its guests, like idiots. Anyone with half a brain would see that the ending was just dumb and totally forced. And nice job with rehashing Cena/Batista in the Del Rio/Big Slow match. Your creative team is aces (and eights).
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Oh and one other thing. The ending to the championship match last night was down right stupid. Punk does a fling elbow drop to a beat up and out of it Rock but Rock kicks out. Yet, we are supposed to believe Rock's elbow drop is much more devastating? Come on Vince.
Exactly that is what hurts the credibility the most. I would have been fine if he won via rock bottom, but this was horrible. when was the last time he won with the elbow? has he ever won with that? It's just as bad as cena winning with the 5 knuckle shuffle or scotty 2 hotty winning with the worm
Exactly that is what hurts the credibility the most. I would have been fine if he won via rock bottom, but this was horrible. when was the last time he won with the elbow? has he ever won with that? It's just as bad as cena winning with the 5 knuckle shuffle or scotty 2 hotty winning with the worm

He has. I can't remember the last time Rock won with that move, but he has. Honestly, I like Punk but don't care that he was booked to drop the title. He had to sooner or later right? I have a problem with how they had him drop it. And kind of to who. Yea, I don't like that they ended a 434 day reign to a part time wrestler who left them cold to go make movies that really do stink LOL. I'd prefer they look long term not short term. Plus, the Rock looks all roided up now. And he really didn't look to be in great condition. He looked winded a few minutes into the match.

I know people say they won't watch anymore, but still will. I, however, won't be tuning into Raw tonight nor any Raw or Smackdown in the foreseeable future. We all know what is going to happen so why bother? They give me no reason to watch. I think I'll give TNA a second chance. But, how long before Hogan is revealed to be behind Aces and Eights (the new NWO) and decides he needs to be TNA champion? Yea probably not too much longer LOL.
I know people say they won't watch anymore, but still will. I, however, won't be tuning into Raw tonight nor any Raw or Smackdown in the foreseeable future. We all know what is going to happen so why bother? They give me no reason to watch. I think I'll give TNA a second chance. But, how long before Hogan is revealed to be behind Aces and Eights (the new NWO) and decides he needs to be TNA champion? Yea probably not too much longer LOL.

Everytime I decide to give TNA a shot I have to turn it off after 30 minutes. I just can't stand it. I love some of the talent that they have but it's just unwatchable at times (so is WWE, but at least I enjoy laughing at how bad that can be). Could watch ROH I guess but the weekly show that's on looks like it's filmed on a high-school budget.
They still could have done Rock/Cena at Wrestlemania for another once in a lifetime match. They didn't need to put the title around a part timer's waist only to give it back to Superman. The WWE is weak. The product is too predictable. No swerves. Nothing. Same old garbage geared toward 8 year olds who don't know any better.

Makes more sense for Cena to win it off someone else so that Cena and Punk can feud in the summer and carry a program to Summerslam.
Royal Rumble was a good PPV spoiled by two things:

Cena winning the rumble. Didn't need to happen and was predictable from the get go, personally they could have chosen someone in need of a push. It's the WWE so you know there are a million and one ways to take the number one shot of them.

Rock beating Punk. Pointless, why let Punk reign for so long only to have him get beaten by someone who will be gone in a few months. It should have been someone who needed a push / elevating.