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Theme Parks & Shopping Districts Reopening General Thread

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A certain DisTwitter person traveled to PA this weekend to go to Hersheypark and others. I worry more about him traveling from FL to PA and spreading the virus than anyone not wearing a mask correctly he was railing against.
Yes. Western Pa. was getting close to zero (10 to 20 cases a day) as possible, and then the graduation celebrating kids came back from the out of state beaches/beach bars vacations ....and then they continued partying at the college oriented bars here in Oakland & the south side. The few cases we had in the 20 county area of Pa. (over 3 million people) mushroomed overnight almost, and the median age of the infected dropped from 72 to 26. This is the data that was publicly supplied by the health department. We went from getting damn close to a Australia/New Zealand scenario to 150 to 200 infections a day. It's a shame they can't close the borders.
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Yup, for some reason, people seem to feel more safe now than when this started, which is patently untrue, especially in the states that are hotspots.
Exactly. It’s heartbreaking.

I miss the parks like crazy and I’ll absolutely fall into a depressive slump if HHN gets cancelled or I don’t feel safe enough to go, but I just can’t justify the activities I’d love to do right now. Re-riding things I’ve been on hundreds of times just isn’t worth the risk to those I may come in contact with.
Bars is crazy, social distancing goes out the window after a few drinks.

I guess theme parks are pretty safe as there are (mostly) strict guidelines in place.

It would be a bizarre PR move to open WDW with the daily cases continuing to reach record levels.

I miss the parks like crazy and I’ll absolutely fall into a depressive slump if HHN gets cancelled or I don’t feel safe enough to go, but I just can’t justify the activities I’d love to do right now. Re-riding things I’ve been on hundreds of times just isn’t worth the risk to those I may come in contact with.

From day 1 of this virus spreading I was of the view that HHN just cannot take place this year. I just don't see how they can do this safely and still keep the feel of the event (enough to justify going anyway)
A certain DisTwitter person traveled to PA this weekend to go to Hersheypark and others. I worry more about him traveling from FL to PA and spreading the virus than anyone not wearing a mask correctly he was railing against.

At least they’ve switched from backpacks to masks.

WDWs popularity is going to bite it in its ass if anything happens. They’re an easy target and make for click bait articles.

The fact that you’ll never be able to confirm if you catch COVID in a theme park works both ways.
For those folks in Florida, where do you think these numbers are coming from? Beaches? Theme Parks? Shopping? Sports?
Bars and Restaurants are the big two with indoor shopping sans masks at a close number three. We now know the way this virus moves more definitively than ever. We need to target any indoor area where masks would be off (and even places where people don't move for a long time with masks indoors). Personally, I think that warrants closing indoor seating areas at restaurants and stopping in theater entertainment at parks. It would be a big blow to dining capacity, but these are the biggest risk areas.

Also, I expect to see some cases tied to WDW/UOR vacations, but I doubt the parks is where COVID will be caught.
Theme parks strictly enforcing masks represents the ideal environment for reducing COVID spread. It's been said many times that at least an 80% compliance in mask wearing can result in cases dropping by 92%, and as we saw with the low case numbers from protests, that finding holds a lot of truth. Take those statistics into theme parks where you will find maybe 5% with their mask down to eat or drink in park walkways, and you've practically stopped COVID's transmission. HOWEVER, there are a few tiny details that can affect those numbers:

1. If you're not social distancing and by someone eating in the park with their mask down, the risk goes up
2. Restaurants in the parks have no efficiency in reducing spread unless there's ample outdoor seating, and even then, team members are not protected
3. If a mask slips or comes off on an indoor ride, there is a very small but not impossible chance the virus can linger through the building's AC depending on circulation flows

Going to the parks and not eating at restaurants gives you a minuscule chance of getting COVID. This is why I felt comfortable attending Universal's AP preview. However, I'm reluctant to go back to Universal or Disney until FL cases fall back down again because the daily number of new cases is higher than, if not double, what Uni's daily attendance is, and that's with an insufficient level of testing. Adjusting cases up to the probable total, somewhere between 2-3% of Floridians have contracted the virus in the past month, which means 2-3% of guests inside a theme park have COVID. That's a large enough number for me to be concerned about one slip up happening. You're about 90% less likely to get COVID inside a theme park than somewhere like a mall without masks enforced, but when local cases are so high, it's already an increased risk.
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For those folks in Florida, where do you think these numbers are coming from? Beaches? Theme Parks? Shopping? Sports?
My opinion is that Memorial day hit and people flooded out, that thinking was prevalent for the next two weeks giving the crud a good distribution and now we are seeing the results.
I am gratified to see 100% mask compliance since the numbers spiked and hope that will be enough to get the numbers back down. The hospitals are getting strained again, hope it does not get to a crisis again.
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Bars are definitely one of the hotspots. I saw plenty of videos from bars with no social distancing (including dancing), no masks (even on bartenders) etc. That and private parties. The average age in Orange County now has dropped down to 32. 15-25 holds the highest percentage of infections.
Bars are definitely one of the hotspots. I saw plenty of videos from bars with no social distancing (including dancing), no masks (even on bartenders) etc. That and private parties. The average age in Orange County now has dropped down to 32. 15-25 holds the highest percentage of infections.

People go out to a bar and then return to their home and spread it to their family before they realise they have something.
Yeah they screwed up royally. Too bad, they need those people. They will fix it....
From my understanding, it happened due to them turning on the monthly payment system again, which in turn retroactively sent out unexpected payments for the past few months gone by as the system wasn’t programmed to know not to charge for those months.
Yup, for some reason, people seem to feel more safe now than when this started, which is patently untrue, especially in the states that are hotspots.
I feel more equipped, personally

In March everyone was freaking out and buying toilet paper...Nobody knew what was going on
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I feel more equipped, personally

In March everyone was freaking out and buying toilet paper...Nobody knew what was going on
Well, I agree that we know more now than them, not denying that.

I was more meaning that I think a mix of reopening sectors of society too early and not following guidelines has hurt us most. Plus, people got stir crazy and now they just want to do whatever, which is leading to a lot of cases.
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Well, I agree that we know more now than them, not denying that.

I was more meaning that I think a mix of reopening sectors of society too early and not following guidelines has hurt us most. Plus, people got stir crazy and now they just want to do whatever, which is leading to a lot of cases.
I agree, not time to let down your guard
I heard Jacksonville has the highest per capita, not sure why/what save some convention that moved from somewhere else. The number of cases here in Polk County seem high to me as I believe the population is small, but I think Lakeland (a growing area) is where Polk county is seeing its largest numbers (but I only half read stories).
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