Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular - Nighttime Show | Page 49 | Inside Universal Forums

Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular - Nighttime Show

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Yes, but did they not have the same ability with 360? Short of the method, I don't see the difference.

360 was about as impressive as a 1980s era show that debuted in the 2000s. This may not be as impressive as WoC, but it's chock full of interesting tech. They've also got clearance to run this every night.
360 was about as impressive as a 1980s era show that debuted in the 2000s. This may not be as impressive as WoC, but it's chock full of interesting tech. They've also got clearance to run this every night.

That is the biggest win with this show right there, IMO.

I agree with the others - if this gets updated post 100th anniversary with more focus on a select number of films, I'll be very happy. As a centennial celebration, this show works and is an awesome addition to the park.

Now... about a nighttime show for Islands...
I wonder if the show seems different by location...for instance more fountains seem clearly visible by Richter Burgers and such, idk where does everyone else think the best place is to stand?
It's kinda shaky but here's the show from a slightly different perspective:

^ That is my video! Yea, sorry about the Shaky-ness, my tripod broke a few days ago. I watched it in Central Park.

No need to apologize at all... it was yet a different perspective with pans to show the periphery. Thanks for putting it up!

Infrastructure is already there from Island Blast

What infrastructure? Why do you think any of it still exists?
Okay so I'd really like to wait until I'm actually there to see the whole thing but I let myself have a peek. I've only seen 2 minutes of it and I already know it's lightyears beyond U360 and feels a lot more major in scope.
Orlando Rocks has a great 36 photo gallery of the show on their site from the preview of Unispec.

Well one thing to keep in mind the show is playing with heavy winds as well. I will wait to see it in person before I make my final judgement but doesn't look like a WOC level show to me. Still looks real good and without a doubt the best night show they have ever had but WOC is just from I am seeing on another level. But then again the rest of Disney's night shows pale in comparison to WOC as well.
Well one thing to keep in mind the show is playing with heavy winds as well. I will wait to see it in person before I make my final judgement but doesn't look like a WOC level show to me. Still looks real good and without a doubt the best night show they have ever had but WOC is just from I am seeing on another level. But then again the rest of Disney's night shows pale in comparison to WOC as well.
You know this is a good point...They really caught lightning in a bottle with WOC and having Steve Davison on staff always helps (if only he worked with UC)...I see more fountains being added soon for this show, maybe not this year but soon.
You know this is a good point...They really caught lightning in a bottle with WOC and having Steve Davison on staff always helps (if only he worked with UC)...I see more fountains being added soon for this show, maybe not this year but soon.

Davison and his team have put out some really great shows and parades the past few years. Soundsational at DLR, Fantasmic at TDS, and Dreams at DLP have been successful and all have received positive reviews. Cinespec looks good for the 100th anniversary and ,as JungleSkip said, the show could easily be modified, changed, and enhanced whenever they feel the need to. The show now is almost exactly as I expected it to be and I am glad to see Uni get a good nighttime show. They really deserve it.
Also, let's be honest. Disney has better material and settings to work with.

Well, two of their parks do. I am not convinced that Potter will ever be included in a night time show. Not sure what the contracts are. Can anyone give me a good explanation why they aren't launching from Mummy except for the fact it is a bit close to HRRR? C'mon, how hot can magnesium burn?... really... thrilling ride... no one would notice until they cleared the the garage.
Reactions from tonight's showings:

Universal's Cinematic Spectacular is just that... Spectacular! Definitely a must-see in person for film fans.
Though I will be posting a video of Universal's Cinematic Spectacular, it can't possibly do the show justice. Surround experience.

Completely blown away by Universal CineSpec! So many great classic film moments & scores put together!
Video of Universal CineSpec does not do it justice, it has to be seen in person. Truly the "Year To Be Here"!
Everyone who actually sees it in person seems to love it. That's what I figured. Some things just don't translate well or can't be captured in a YouTube video.
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