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Universal's Cinematic Celebration Night Show

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As a couple mentioned, it was a good choice for them to use the scenes more for the music/color/action/emotion, rather then just show a clip as is which plagued previous nighttime shows. The only exception is the Jurassic World segment whenever they showed the Fallen Kingdom clips, where it's akin to Disney showing a teaser of a new film in WoC.

When it comes to the segments (not quite in order),
JW - Really nice panorama shots in it, and while it does run into the clip show problem with Fallen Kingdom, I do see pyro helping out with the volcano eruption.
FatF - It's a decent enough little segment with a lot of kinetic energy, it also doesn't overstay it's welcome so I'm fine with that.
The Dreamworks Medley - This is a strong segment, I love the choices of HTTYD and KFP, and Trolls is a nice lil bit as well. The cannonball duel from KFP 2 is begging for some pyro shenanigans, but if we see that incorporated I think that's gonna' be a big highlight.
E.T. - Nice to see E.T getting some recognition, I wonder if there's gonna' be anything else added to it, but we'll have to wait and see.
Transformers - This scene was honestly a pleasant surprise, it really uses the projection mapping on the buildings quite well with them getting destroyed here and there, and it's a brilliant move to incorporate parts of the ride into the segment.
The Illumination Medley - This is a good energetic segment to have near the end, Max from SLoP definitely did sound like Patton Oswald so that's a nice little touch, and I highly approve of them using the cover of "I'm Still Standing" from SING as that was honestly the best song to come from that film. Naturally you know pyro is coming especially for "The Big Finish".
HP - I have to agree this did feel like the weakest segment compared to the others, it feels like it's missing something, though that something could be pyro since there's parts which do feel suited for it.

There's certainly a good show here (far more promising then what RoL in AK turned out to be), we just gotta' wait to see what's tweaked and what pyro/other effects are shown off.
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I just viewed a video of the show and, taking into account that it’s not 100% complete, I can say that... the show isn’t for me! Which is fine.

The actual technical merits of the show are impressive - it’s a colorful, dynamic, vibrant presentation, certainly, even without the pyro elements - but the content just doesn’t float my boat. And, frankly, I wasn’t expecting it to based on how Universal has talked about the show.

The lack of classic Universal properties aside from E.T. is pretty indefensible. I understand the realities of wanting to lean on IP that is popular today and/or is represented in the park, but I think a better balance could have been struck; as it stands, E.T.’s segment kind of feels a little out-of-place because it’s so transparently the lone bone being thrown to the nostalgia crowd.

Now, if they ever introduced an alternate, nostalgia-filled version of this show using the same basic ideas and techniques (for the park’s 30th anniversary, say), and based it around BACK TO THE FUTURE, JAWS, the Universal Monsters, the films of Alfred Hitchcock, E.T., and JURASSIC PARK, I’d be all over that.

As it stands, I’m just indifferent to too many of the featured movies to really care about it. There are a few moments that got me (E.T., obviously, and the unexpected usage of John Williams’ marvelous, underrated theme for Fawkes the Phoenix from the POTTER series), but I was mostly left cold.

I hope it’s a hit for the park, though.
Just saw it. I thought it was absolutely fantastic.

As I’ve said for a while, you have to keep in mind that UOR sees 1/5 the attendance of WDW, so because of that, it won’t be on that scale until the new property opens. So for what Universal can logically invest in a show, I think they knocked it out of the Park.

I agree with everyone else-
1) Pyro will make a big difference
2) background projections either didn’t translate well on video or they were underutilized. Transformers had the best use of them by far as they had a “chunk blown out” of a building. Cool effect. I wish we saw more of that stuff.
3) I agree with @AlexanderMBush that HP seemed weak. It should’ve given me all the feels but it didn’t. I think pyro will be used in that quite a bit and make a huge difference.
4) the finale ending with illumination stuff was kind of meh- but the custom animation with Minions were great. Again, wish we saw more of that. The minions getting the water in the butts was funny.
I agree with you.
I was there yesterday (4th) and loved CineCeleb despite the rain and poor pyro. The new viewing area is truly a great place to hangout. Nice addition to the park!

As just something interesting to say, I'm shocked that Kong, BTTF, and Jaws are nowhere to be seen, especially the first two of not only their importance as IPs, but of how their presence in the parks are still huge in a retro sense. And that's not even mentioning that I am somewhat surprised by the lack of Simpsons, considering the proximity to Springfield.

Nevertheless, it doesn't debunk my feelings of respect & love to the show.
As just something interesting to say, I'm shocked that Kong, BTTF, and Jaws are nowhere to be seen, especially the first two of not only their importance as IPs, but of how their presence in the parks are still huge in a retro sense. And that's not even mentioning that I am somewhat surprised by the lack of Simpsons, considering the proximity to Springfield.

Nevertheless, it doesn't debunk my feelings of respect & love to the show.

I get a sense that they are trying to move forward and be fresh and relevant. This was a big reveal for both DreamWorks and a big step for Harry Potter being outside of the lands and represented together with other brands.

While the older fans may crave the older IPs, this seems like a good decision on their part to evolve and change with the times. They have to if they want to compete. The parks can't forever be rooted in BTTF, Jaws, and Kong the same way Epcot can't forever be rooted in Malestrom and the Energy Pavilion.
I get a sense that they are trying to move forward and be fresh and relevant. This was a big reveal for both DreamWorks and a big step for Harry Potter being outside of the lands and represented together with other brands.

While the older fans may crave the older IPs, this seems like a good decision on their part to evolve and change with the times. They have to if they want to compete. The parks can't forever be rooted in BTTF, Jaws, and Kong the same way Epcot can't forever be rooted in Malestrom and the Energy Pavilion.

And trust me, I'm not going to ignore not only the importance of DWA getting a huge introduction for Orlando with CineCele, and Potter especially for how its the first time that they've done something outside the land for domestic.

But Kong, has the footing with Reign of Kong at Islands. I could get BTTF, but it isn't like Kong is gone from the parks, with no attraction to base it from.
Obviously pyro needs to be added but this show is currently a mixed bag, but one that's veering much closer to good. The problem is that the segments have major pacing issues and not enough effective use of painting their stage. For every awesome moment, like the T-Rex stomp effect, or the moon in ET, you have just chaotic nonsense mere seconds later in the segments. World of Color not only effectively paints the stage, but does things in a very specific sequence. Of course, it helps when the majority of what you do is match a song sequence to the visuals. Here you have score and film clips. Universal can rectify this by either choosing to fully adopt the kinetic montage style that works effectively in the Transformers and F&F sequences, or stick with the song sequences (which is why Trolls worked surprisingly well) but man that HP segment is a total disaster. I love how it starts with dementors, veers off, Voldemort... then dementors... then SURPRISE THE HOUSES the end.

What... what is that?! I'm sorry but pryo ain't gonna fix that segment. Fortunately this is a show that can be easily changed, as Disney has very well demonstrated. So I hope tweaks are in its future to help make those segments reach their fullest potential.

Oh and c'mon Universal throw us a bone and give BTTF a little love please... please?
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Obviously pyro needs to be added but this show is currently a mixed bag, but one that's veering much closer to good. The problem is that the segments have major pacing issues and not enough effective use of painting their stage. For every awesome moment, like the T-Rex stomp effect, or the moon in ET, you have just chaotic nonsense mere seconds later in the segments. World of Color not only effectively paints the stage, but does things in a very specific sequence. Of course, it helps when the majority of what you do is match a song sequence to the visuals. Here you have score and film clips. Universal can rectify this by either choosing to fully adopt the kinetic montage style that works effectively in the Transformers and F&F sequences, or stick with the song sequences (which is why Trolls worked surprisingly well) but man that HP segment is a total disaster. I love how it starts with dementors, veers off, Voldemort... then dementors... then SURPRISE THE HOUSES the end.

What... what is that?! I'm sorry but pryo ain't gonna fix that segment. Fortunately this is a show that can be easily changed, as Disney has very well demonstrated. So I hope tweaks are in its future to help make those segments reach their fullest potential.

Oh and c'mon Universal throw us a bone and give BTTF a little love please... please?

Good summarization! I also felt watching the stream it seemed a bit chaotic. Like the fountains we’re going off but it didn’t really match what was happening. WoC is so beautifully programmed.

The thing I love in WoC is the use of projection/lasers on the fountains themselves, not just the mist screens.
Just my thoughts from the video's I have seen of the unfinished show.
- No seats (after a long day in the park I need to sit).
- Visible loudspeaker. Although they are thin they obstruct the show.
- Projections on buildings show often the edges of the buildings, if that happens it looks like projections on buildings and not an extension of the show.
- It's a pimped up clip show on blurry fountains, no story.
- I LOVE the fountains, this looks amazing.
- Most of the light effects look great.
- The music is great.
- When using clips (that I hate) I think it's great they use clips of all movies of that series. I've seen clips form JW and JP, all Despicable me movies, Potter, etc.

Knowing this is not finished but judging from what I've see: this is the best nighttime show Universal ever produced (not that difficult). It also adds something new and worth watching in an area that wasn't used before. It's nothing we haven't seen before and doesn't evolve the format but I'm sure it's a hit with the GP.
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I get a sense that they are trying to move forward and be fresh and relevant. This was a big reveal for both DreamWorks and a big step for Harry Potter being outside of the lands and represented together with other brands.

While the older fans may crave the older IPs, this seems like a good decision on their part to evolve and change with the times. They have to if they want to compete. The parks can't forever be rooted in BTTF, Jaws, and Kong the same way Epcot can't forever be rooted in Malestrom and the Energy Pavilion.

But I’m only 25 and I never want BTTF to ever leave the parks, i would love them to stay rooted to BTTF forever. Am I classed as an older fan?
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Throwing in my humble opinion....Needs some kind of emotional type vocal singing at the end to tie it all up. I guess it hit me that most Universal properties don't have song moments they could use. Never really thought of that.
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There is an over-arching theme.

A "Goodnight Kiss" from Universal. A much more grand version of having a costumed CM/TM from the more popular attractions waving goodnight at the exit at park close.

It is a recap of your day at UOR. That is why there is no BTTF and Jaws. And you can read what you want into HTTYD, Panda, Trolls, and Pets.
I guess it is better than nothing but I'm not exactly too impressed with the show. Lacks anything emotional, which may also be related to there being no story. The show did have some nice fountains but it is essentially a clip show with the water screens. Projection mapping when used worked so much better than the water screens because it was a lot more easy to see what was trying to be shown. I wasn't a fan about how the flow of the show went from classical music to pop music which came across as very sudden and random.

Overall, world of colour is just a better show, although the lagoon show will be better with fireworks.