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Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion (Opens 2014)

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    Votes: 154 88.0%
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    Votes: 21 12.0%
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Okay I love Hp. Thats how i found these forums in the first place but there does not need to be a phase 3. Its bad enough it spans 2 parks but a phase 3? Not everyone loves Harry Potter. Come on Universal. And this is coming from a guy thats read all the books multiple times has shirts and posters on his wall
Okay I love Hp. Thats how i found these forums in the first place but there does not need to be a phase 3. Its bad enough it spans 2 parks but a phase 3? Not everyone loves Harry Potter. Come on Universal. And this is coming from a guy thats read all the books multiple times has shirts and posters on his wall

After this, I disagree. My thought on a big Phase III was contingent on not knowing this was going to happen. This completely opens the world to different possibilities. I'm all for Phase III
I see the quote there "Tsujihara said Fantastic Beasts won’t only be a film series, but also a video game and an attraction within the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at theme parks run by Universal Parks and Resorts." and I understand why people are drawn to that. I simply offer this caution. It was suggested to Flight of the Hippogriff and Dragon Challenge opening team members that they read this book, as they are creature handlers. Not saying it is, but the ride your looking for could already be there.
After this, I disagree. My thought on a big Phase III was contingent on not knowing this was going to happen. This completely opens the world to different possibilities. I'm all for Phase III
But theres so much Potter. There are so many other things out there. Dont get me wrong im gonna enjoy the hell out of whatever they do cause im a die hard fan but still so many other possibilities
But theres so much Potter. There are so many other things out there. Dont get me wrong im gonna enjoy the hell out of whatever they do cause im a die hard fan but still so many other possibilities

I don't disagree, but remember, Potter took only 1/2 of Lost Continent. If it took over the rest, *hypothetically*, it would be just making the land the size it once was. Personally, I'd much rather see the rest of LC become a "Fantastic Beasts" land than Willy Wonka or some other random thing.

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And Uni is doing them too. Best of both worlds.

That too.

Despicable Me
Jurassic Park

All new or expanded offering from the resort.
I don't disagree, but remember, Potter took only 1/2 of Lost Continent. If it took over the rest, *hypothetically*, it would be just making the land the size it once was. Personally, I'd much rather see the rest of LC become a "Fantastic Beasts" land than Willy Wonka or some other random thing.

- - - Updated - - -

That too.

Despicable Me
Jurassic Park

All new or expanded offering from the resort.
I guess you guys are right. I didnt even think about how phase 1 wasnt taking up an entire land in the first place
Yeah, she's said she'd return to Potter's universe if something great came up and this is it! I couldn't be more excited than I am right now. I hope this will lead to her writing more books.
I can't go into specifics, but this has been in the works for a long, long time. If she thought it wasn't going to be quality, she could have killed it years ago.

Wow, J.K's been quite the naughty little writer, keeping secrets from us. First her Robert Gailbraith pseudonym, and now this. I wonder what other projects are percolating in her head?

Also.........SQUEEEEEEEE! She's expanding the Potterverse!!!!!! My inner Gryffindor student is doing cartwheels.
You know, being a die hard Harry Potter fan I cant believe I've never read this book. I'm going to have to check it out. Anybody read it? Any thoughts about it? Also what would this expansion or attraction look like?
I'm thinking it's more the main stuff about Newt Scamander is what is going to be used from the book and she will create a story around it.
After this, I disagree. My thought on a big Phase III was contingent on not knowing this was going to happen. This completely opens the world to different possibilities. I'm all for Phase III

I'm on that same boat.

I don't disagree, but remember, Potter took only 1/2 of Lost Continent. If it took over the rest, *hypothetically*, it would be just making the land the size it once was. Personally, I'd much rather see the rest of LC become a "Fantastic Beasts" land than Willy Wonka or some other random thing.

If it was Fantastic Beasts or Wonka... Beasts all the way! But I'd rather keep LC as itself. I like two options for this... One would be Fantastic Beasts taking over the Dragon Challenge, queue and surrounding land and become an attraction all about magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest, where at the end you can ride a dragon. The other possibility I'd like would be for this to become a new land for a third gate. Maybe the third gate fits better, especially if this has its own unique look and feel, even if it is within the overall Wizarding World universe. Also, the movie is at least a few years away, so the Universal attraction will be even later than that. I think it could be a great fit and selling point for a third gate.

Now, back to Phase II: DA / HE

I think it could work for the HE to soft open earlier than Diagon Alley, and it wouldn't be an issue to me for them to soft open separately. Not only is the HE an independent attraction from the Wizarding World lands, it's probably gonna be ready and ride-able before Gringotts and all the details in DA are finished. The HE's ride system seems like it would be easier to implement, test and roll out than Gringotts'.

Also, if you look at UOR's latest projects, the entire Transformers project, and the entire Springfield project, they've both been sort of opening in phases, as they get things done. I don't see why London and the Hogwarts Express couldn't soft open earlier, that way Universal would begin to test and capitalize on this as soon as possible. Gringotts seems like the kind of ride that needs a lot of "tech" testing, while the Hogwarts Express will need more "people traffic" testing, which would also be another reason to start moving people through the stations and get that situation all smoothed out before the masses slam the park. Those are basically my latest thoughts and how this all makes sense to me.
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See new thread for my thoughts on the new movie....

Now with phased openings. Phase 2 will "Open" all at once, meaning they will have a grand opening and everything will be open. Diagon Alley, London, and HE. But I have been saying for awhile HE will soft open before anything else will soft open (well I think the walls will be pushed back when it comes to london and become more gates at the entrances). Mainly because like the other pp said, HE needs to test people moving and to do that, well you need people. Where the other things need to test the technical parts and therefore doesn't need people as quickly.
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See new thread for my thoughts on the new movie....

Now with phased openings. Phase 2 will "Open" all at once, meaning they will have a grand opening and everything will be open. Diagon Alley, London, and HE. But I have been saying for awhile HE will soft open before anything else will soft open (well I think the walls will be pushed back when it comes to london and become more gates at the entrances). Mainly because like the other pp said, HE needs to test people moving and to do that, well you need people. Where the other things need to test the technical parts and therefore doesn't need people as quickly.

I would assume phase 2 has the same rules that phase 1 had. It either all opens, or nothing opens.
I would assume phase 2 has the same rules that phase 1 had. It either all opens, or nothing opens.

I understood Phase 1 being that way, because you had to walk thru the entire land to get to the new ride. You had to walk thru the land to get to the place to eat, etc. But Phase 2 I feel might be different because you can have people ride HE and not see or be near anything else phase 2 related.
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