Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2 | Page 232 | Inside Universal Forums

Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2

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Did you mean 419? Is that what they have for lawn in Central Park across the lagoon? It is an odd grass to see in Florida except on finer homes and golf courses. Fine like northern grasses.

ON another note... is Leicester supposed to be completed? Where is the high-gloss tile finish? It's vexing me.

haha yep hit the wrong button
im a head high school football coach so you kinda learn about different grasses/lawn care
419 does well in heat

Is that spiky fence permanent, and the same type they will use all around the entrance? You wouldn't want your child to fall from your shoulders onto those things.
Oh, so it's not crab grass? Cool, fun thing when we moved to FL years ago, my parents spent years and tons of money trying to get rid of crab grass, then they move to FL and they spend just as much to water and keep it alive!

Interesting the fencing is only installed half way, thought they'd have it done by now.
I'm wondering why they need so many tubes inside the Eros Fountain. You would think 1 to pump the water to the highest "compartment" would be enough. Will there be an interactive element there like the talking fountain in front of Sinbad but with a connection to the shrunken head on the bus who can do some "magic" with the fountain?
I'm also wondering if guests could enter the bus. The stairs look very inviting.
I'm wondering why they need so many tubes inside the Eros Fountain. You would think 1 to pump the water to the highest "compartment" would be enough. Will there be an interactive element there like the talking fountain in front of Sinbad but with a connection to the shrunken head on the bus who can do some "magic" with the fountain?
I'm also wondering if guests could enter the bus. The stairs look very inviting.

There can be multiple points where water will enter the fountain. Especially with a small forced perspective, a small amount of water can come out of the top, with more being added to waterfalls and pools bellow. Also some of those might be for electrical to light fixtures.
I really really expected the fountain to be sitting on an 8" protruding concrete base, something that guests could sit on. As it is, I worry that people are going to attempt to sit on the edge of the fountain itself.

The dude with wings appears well executed, the wings articulated nicely.
I'm not tall enough for anything exciting over the wall, but this is from yesterday. There were still construction sounds to be heard even with the rain which lasted most of the day.

I'm not tall enough for anything exciting over the wall, but this is from yesterday. There were still construction sounds to be heard even with the rain which lasted most of the day.

Thanks for the pic, awhen! :thumbs: I'm still perplexed with the different stages of progress in the different parts of the Wyndham's Theatre facade, but focusing in on specific sections, you can tell it's coming along beautifully. This is definitely the stunner of the whole London area, and it should be especially awesome at night with all its lighting on.

Thanks for these! This area is coming along great, too! The only thing I wish they would do is completely tear that corner tower off the Sinbad building... It seems they're keeping it and re-theming it: (What it looked like before - crop from Google Maps satellite view)

I really really expected the fountain to be sitting on an 8" protruding concrete base, something that guests could sit on. As it is, I worry that people are going to attempt to sit on the edge of the fountain itself.

Well they are going to have some concrete benches around the fountain which SHOULD keep most people off.

Teebin, any thoughts on those x panels on the Sinbad corner? I'm lost.

That caught my eye as well... it's as if they are attempting to create something that fits both Potter and LC at the same time? Kinda, sorta, maybe?

Well they are going to have some concrete benches around the fountain which SHOULD keep most people off.

Ah yes! Thanks Gambit... I forgot about that.
Teebin, any thoughts on those x panels on the Sinbad corner? I'm lost.

Yeah, I'm completely dumbfounded. I don't think you see this from the Sinbad area, so the theming must be for Hogsmeade... but I don't understand it at all. I would have put rock work, or even better (and probably less expensive) trees!
I'm not convinced that this is the permanent fence. In this picture, if you look at the end at the bottom, it looks like there is some sort of leg supporting it which would suggest it's temporary. It could be there for installation purposes though if it is the permanent fence.
Former railway geek to the rescue! It's a water tower. Neat solution actually.


There are a million different sizes and designs of these depending on the railway company which designed them and the era of construction, but hopefully you get the idea from this picture. The Hogsmede one is massively over-scale (although many were bigger than the one in this example - google them) but it's not a bad solution to a fairly large-scale problem in this instance, being a bit of railway paraphernalia which was found at every station, and could be on the platform or adjacent to the station as in this case - imagine the track for the engine to use it is where the theatre actually is in this version.

Thanks for the incredible photos, Ashen. I really like the front building with the arches.

Edit: Here's an example slightly closer in size, although as I say there are many design changes such as the absence of brick arches and cross braces on the tank.

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