Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2 | Page 241 | Inside Universal Forums

Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2

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Interesting that the whole hall has been slightly redesigned. The columns were behind the bank desks in the films.


I hope it is longer than in the Today clip.
Looks more like the Philosopher's Stone look than the Deathly Hallows-part 2 look.
The way it is said that TM's will be instigating spells, does this mean that there will be one stationed at each location and they will trigger the effect? Because, if so, the Kinect system seems pointless

I think what he means is that for the spell locations that aren't obvious, a team member will challenge you to try a spell in locations where they know effects are.
At the end of the clip one of the teller spaces was empty which could mean an actor/goblin will actually be there. :pray: (Just speculating of course.) Is that what you mean MikeTheBoss?
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This was a spoiler and should have been hidden!!!

I'd recommend not visiting this site or many others on the internet if you don't want to see spoilers. As soon as softs open this place will explode with photos. I know some people don't want to see too much before they get to see it in person but a lot of us love to see all this stuff. I'm being sincere when I say this because I've had things spoiled for me (movie endings and such) on other sites. Its really best just not to look.
The point of these forums is to share ideas on future attractions, discuss theme parks, and share progress on upcoming attractions...If you don't want any of this, "Make like a tree and get out of here!" :lol:
I will probably avoid watching any POV's of this ride. I'd like to be kept clean on that, but im all for pictures of the queue and other parts of the park.
Lots of exciting stuff! Sorry about the delay, work let me out very late tonight.

Alright, let's get down to business.

First and foremost, costumes. There are a few that have been described to me by certain sources, and all of them appear to be quite excited with the outcome. For Borgin & Burkes, the costumes are as dark as the literature calls. For men, a very nice criss-cross laced top, black boots and pants, and a very nice cloak, all of which will be crowned with a top hat. For women, a similar costume ensues, but with a Stevie-Nicks-esque shawl and a witch's hat. Florean Fortescue's and Madam Malkin's will be sharing a very floral and ornate getup, with presumably less features on the ice cream shop's costume due to food safety standards. As for Gringotts Bank, an almost pleather vest with a nice tie will compliment the slacks, and the vest will rest on a white shirt.

In addition, the spell system with the interactive wands is not just one in which aspiring witches and wizards will be guided to locations with distinguishable marks. A lot of easter eggs will be told to the employees in the area, and therefore the only way to gain knowledge of certain spells will be to speak to the TMs. However, from what I've been told, the TMs will be instigating the spells, so they'll tell guests that if 'they were real wizards/witches/magic folk, they'd be able to perform the right spell to make a certain action happen'. It won't be as guided as it is in Ollivanders. I've also been told that Bluetooth is incorporated into the design of the wands, and there is more confirmation of a kinect-type system being used alongside it.

In a less exciting note, the amount of team leaders assigned for each location is VERY high (these TMs are not managers, but rather supervisors). I'm hearing 15 TLs for EACH of the train stations, and around 18 for Gringotts. Universal is READY for angry guests and the masses. They will definitely not be making any mistakes this time around.

And I know everyone is super antsy regarding softs. Do not worry, they are coming, and pretty damn soon. Universal wants to give the area as much exposure to guests as possible. I can't give specific dates, but there is something planned for certain TMs on the 25th, so expect them to be a short while afterwards.

I'd like to give out more information, but this is all I can say for now. There is MUCH more artistry and preplanning this time around. And another thing: expect the Wizarding World to continue in its growth, but I guess that's not really any news. :thumbs:

P.S. I hope you're ready to finally use wizard currency. And Gringotts seems to be more and more accepting of muggles opening their own bank accounts there...

Stingy goblins.

Your source has the overall themes correct, but some of the details are off.
I'd recommend not visiting this site or many others on the internet if you don't want to see spoilers. As soon as softs open this place will explode with photos. I know some people don't want to see too much before they get to see it in person but a lot of us love to see all this stuff. I'm being sincere when I say this because I've had things spoiled for me (movie endings and such) on other sites. Its really best just not to look.

He's not asking you not to look at or share anything, but not everything needs to be in full view here. You can just post the link to the video (like the original poster did) or put pictures in "" tags.

It's one thing to post pictures inside of Despicable Me, but considering this attraction is not even open yet it's a reasonable request to keep some things under wraps. You can read an article or movie review without spoiling the whole plot, and that's what many here would like to do.

OU likes to be respect people's right not to see everything, but still partake in the discussion.
I have to agree with Mike that spoilers should be used for pictures of inside attractions, queues etc. I want to continue reading here regarding soft openings and other details but I don't want the experience to be second hand after seeing pictures. I don't even want to see the dragon before visiting. I hope everyone finds this agreeable or I'll have to nix this site until next month. I don't think spoiler tabs are asking too much.

EDIT: Thanks jtsalien, glad you agree
He's not asking you not to look at or share anything, but not everything needs to be in full view here. You can just post the link to the video (like the original poster did) or put pictures in "" tags.

It's one thing to post pictures inside of Despicable Me, but considering this attraction is not even open yet it's a reasonable request to keep some things under wraps. You can read an article or movie review without spoiling the whole plot, and that's what many here would like to do.

OU likes to be respect people's right not to see everything, but still partake in the discussion.

but I've never been on Despicable Me, so that would be a spoiler to me!!! LOL. I know what your getting at about spoilers and you are correct, it would be the polite thing to do, but this is the internet and polite doesn't happen much. I was just offering a little friendly advice. Heck I had something Harry Potter related ruined for me on a forum about Spider-man. Out of nowhere some jerk posted about a character's fate. The book had just come out and I was half way through. I thought I was safe. But the internet, like Hogwarts dungeon, is full of trolls.
So, what do you think the floor in Gringotts is made out of. I would guess terrazzzo but the other solutions could be tile or marble. It has to be one of the three to handle the wear and tear. Terrazzo just seems the easiest way to execute the somewhat complex designs.
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