Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 109 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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I'm the opposite, was never too keen on coaster until around 15 years ago (I'm 50 now) now I'm coaster nuts. Have to do DD back to back, will run back through the line for hulk etc if it's quiet. Back row on gwazi with hands in the air. I tend to get "coastered out" by the end of a long park day but no motion sickness. But stick me on any kind of spinner and I'm useless, even feel sick on storm force acceleration.
I get woozy just looking at Storm Force, let alone riding it. Those flat ride spinners are killers for us older guys. :lol:
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Yeah, it was sure rough....My problem with coasters though, is more of an age thing now. When I was younger I rode all the coasters in this area (Cedar Point, Kings Island, Kennywood, Geauga Lake, Hershey, BGW) tons of times. I really loved them. But now that I'm older, and they say it's basically inner ear age affected, I get mildly nauseous on the tougher coasters, and I can't do flat fast moving spinners at all. So, while I don't really get motion sickness much on things like Simpsons or FJ, I've had to cut the big outdoor coasters like Hulk down to once during a vacation. Fortunately I don't have a problem with the milder indoor types like Mummy or Aerosmith, or even wooden coasters that don't bother me either. Age is a b _ _ _ch. :lol:
I totally understand. I never ever ridden Hulk until I was 20. I'm 25. Never got to enjoy the smooth years of hulk so looking forward to it.

Dueling Dragons used to be smooth. Now I wont ride it some days at UNI and I go to UNI over 75 times a year at least. (That Number will certainly COME DOWN LOL)

I once ridden Dr. DOOM 15 times in a row. That was awesome lol
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Is anyone concerned they are not installing the sensors and plumbing for the brake runs yet? I know this is my first retrack but I would think now that the track is complete they could be doing that while they work on the station. It looks like that is what they are doing at Mako
Is anyone concerned they are not installing the sensors and plumbing for the brake runs yet? I know this is my first retrack but I would think now that the track is complete they could be doing that while they work on the station. It looks like that is what they are doing at Mako

The sensors and Brake fins Have to line up with new Trains .They probably will not install till after the first pull through.

Anyone seen new trains yet ?
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Is anyone concerned they are not installing the sensors and plumbing for the brake runs yet? I know this is my first retrack but I would think now that the track is complete they could be doing that while they work on the station. It looks like that is what they are doing at Mako

It really depends on how long the queue and building have left until they're ready before they start on the brake runs.

Those hooks we seen on the supports recently, they're not by any chance for trim brakes? I seen this on Mako Madness.

They are when I'm riding. The kids are stuck to the side like Velcro.

My daughter would love riding with you. The faster the more she laughs.... both of them. Even the 1 year old wants to go fast lol She won't laugh until I get the speed up high enough for her.
It's a guage. When they reach the top, the ride will be complete. Since the tube is only painted black half way, they must only be halfway done. Am I Right??? LOL
So with June 10th Mako opening, are we thinking Hulk will be end of June opening? Because Hulk has been running a couple weeks behind Mako.

Not sure if Sea World really does softs, so I imagine both of these could soft open before those grand opening dates.