Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 111 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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Lmao!! I expected this kind of feedback. But he definitely is not at a food cart lol. he's a close family friend and Though he is in the higher ranks of the company, he was a little sour about the break-up from my aunt. Idk maybe he was just being a hole.
Additional five months doesn't make sense. All the track is up and in place. What remains is wiring and testing coaster wise. What will take an estimated month plus a week or so would be the finish out and remodel of the waiting queue and painting of ascetics. All of this can be done simultaneously. I anticipate a late may early June opening.
Additional five months doesn't make sense. All the track is up and in place. What remains is wiring and testing coaster wise. What will take an estimated month plus a week or so would be the finish out and remodel of the waiting queue and painting of ascetics. All of this can be done simultaneously. I anticipate a late may early June opening.
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Additional five months doesn't make sense. All the track is up and in place. What remains is wiring and testing coaster wise. What will take an estimated month plus a week or so would be the finish out and remodel of the waiting queue and painting of ascetics. All of this can be done simultaneously. I anticipate a late may early June opening.
hoping you are right or my 13 year daughter will be devastated:)
Since Mako is opening June 10th and they finished their track a little less than 2 weeks before this, I expect a late June opening for Hulk. I wouldn't be shocked if they grand opened Kong and Hulk together with Hulk having a smaller soft period.
I don't think they'll have the same testing period with this as with Mako as it's an identical layout, yes the cars will be heavier and may have a new launch but it's not a completely new coaster

It's gotta go through the same motions. I forgot the number but it has to hit a certain amount of complete cycles with no hiccups before getting the all-clear.
"A brand new story, an entirely new interior with amazing special effects, and a new ride vehicle."

Is that enough to satisfy people that it'll be really cool?
So excited to see what the inside will be. What's the chances of an AA hulk?
"A brand new story, an entirely new interior with amazing special effects, and a new ride vehicle."

Is that enough to satisfy people that it'll be really cool?

Um, yes. Everyone should know when uni says amazing these days, they mean it haha.

New story sounds interesting. I am wondering what direction it will go in. It seems fairly limited in that it will have to be based around the guest somehow getting and using the machine like always. The idea of the lab being abandoned could be cool.