Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 84 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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The dirty underside of the launch tunnel is irrationally starting to annoy me because everything else looks so clean and new.
I said the same thing as soon as I saw that photo. At least a pressure wash and some new paint they can't leave it like that.
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I'm just saying, theres a time and a place for saying stuff; and this thread is for the refurb of Hulk. not anything personal.

Back to topic; I am very curious if work will start on the loop, the cobra roll and the dive by the end of the weekend; as it would make some sense.

We may see two ride vehicles testing together in the near future I feel.
I'm just saying, theres a time and a place for saying stuff; and this thread is for the refurb of Hulk. not anything personal.

Back to topic; I am very curious if work will start on the loop, the cobra roll and the dive by the end of the weekend; as it would make some sense.
Well stay away from the double standard because we were just talking about hotels a few pages ago and you nor anyone else said anything, so just chill
Ok :thumbsup:
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So; the skyline may be different on Monday..what does everyone else think?

Seems like everything's moving more quickly the last few weeks. I'm wondering where they are concerning the interior of the queue building. I can envision the coaster itself being ready to go by mid/late spring, but I have no idea on the queue building status. That may slow things down if they haven't done anything in there.
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OoOoOoOoOoO Blast/Break Away Doors a la Test Track.
Took the words right out of my mouth. Now that would really be something if they enclosed the launch tube with blast/break away doors. It certainly would be ideal for a pre-launch sequence and add to the sneak attack of the launch..hmm??
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Took the words right out of my mouth. Now that would really be something if they enclosed the launch tube with blast/break away doors. It certainly would be ideal for a pre-launch sequence and add to the sneak attack of the launch..hmm??
It would be so stellar. I'm assuming that the intense FL Sun is a reason why they couldn't do projection or similar effects a la Mummy...?
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It would be so stellar. I'm assuming that the intense FL Sun is a reason why they couldn't do projection or similar effects a la Mummy...?
You know even though hulk is my favorite coaster, I've always thought to myself that seeing the track and sunlight at the end of the tunnel was a dead giveaway that that time it wasn't going to work.....
You can see some of it in the old concept art - but the model where it was best depicted is seen in photos with the end of the tube cropped out of the photo.

Likely because those photos are press photos and the concept was tossed.

This shows one variation with the burst/force rings at the end of the launch.

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