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Lionsgate World Resort

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Thoughts on SkyPlex?

  • I want it!

  • I have concerns, but still want to see it built.

  • I hate it!

  • I don't care.

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Seconding the NOPE

I don't even want to imagine what that lift is like. Rock It is rough enough, this would take what roughly twice as long?
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Seconding the NOPE

I don't even want to imagine what that lift is like. Rock It is rough enough, this would take what roughly twice as long?

You're talking about 3x the height.

It says LSM lift so I would imagine it would be quite smooth.

I'm having a difficult time though imagining this will ever get built.
Depends on how fast they have the LSMs set for. It could take twice as long as RockIt, or if they have it set to blast up (I'd imagine somewhere about 35-45mph), it could be pretty quick. I'd imagine that first inversion at the top would be like the jojo roll on Hydra at Dorney Park, slow and...weird.
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They have coasters that shoot you vertically at 100+ mph. Doubt that this would do that, but they can get you up pretty quick if they really want to.
Pretty sure I would lose it before getting half way up and don't think going faster would make it much better. Maybe just a shorter trip to freak out land
Just quickly wikid Kings Ka, that one is actually hydraulic, so I wonder, have very high and fast launches been done using LSM? Also, has LSM ever been done vertical? Cheetah Hunt is horizontal, Kings Ka's hydraulic is horizontal. Mummy is on an incline and if Hulk moves to LSM it will be either horizontal or on the incline.

I am excited for this and really want this to happen, though it seems this will be hard engineering wise.
Just quickly wikid Kings Ka, that one is actually hydraulic, so I wonder, have very high and fast launches been done using LSM? Also, has LSM ever been done vertical? Cheetah Hunt is horizontal, Kings Ka's hydraulic is horizontal. Mummy is on an incline and if Hulk moves to LSM it will be either horizontal or on the incline.

I am excited for this and really want this to happen, though it seems this will be hard engineering wise.

Superman at SFMM uses LSM's and hits 100. Granted it does this on a horizontal portion then goes vertical. Maverick has LSM's on its lift rather than a traditional chain lift. Wicked at Lagoon in Utah apparently uses LSM's on its vertical lift. but only to 40 mph. Considering it's only 110 ft tall, it's safe to say that 100 could be reached on a 500 ft tall lift. Not that I really think that a polercoaster would reach 100 mph. There really isn't a need for it. They would have to slow it down at the top regardless as the top speeds of coasters are almost always at the bottom of the lift/first drop. It just needs to be going fast enough to make the crest comfortably for the riders and let gravity do the rest. With this design, speed will not be a real selling point.

One thing to consider, 100 mph is 147 ft per second. That would mean, assuming constant speed, that you'd cover the entire heigh of the coaster in less than 4 seconds. HRRR,s lift is about 10 seconds. To cover 500 ft in 10 seconds you only have to average like 34 mph. Should be easy for LSM's
How long till someone on the drop tower gets hit by something from someone on the coaster, or the other way around
ha, I know, I am putting it forward as another reason not to build it!
But I want to see it built! Those who are saying it will fail are looking at it from the wrong perspective money-wise.

The coaster is ultimately just a weenie to get people to come to the Skyplex/Mangos Complex. That's where all the money will be made. The coaster will just draw people in.

Even if the Coaster isn't super popular (and likely over-prived), if the skyplex does well, it's pretty much like saying because the Orlando Eye isn't booming with business, i-drive 360 is a failure.
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But I want to see it built! Those who are saying it will fail are thinking at it from the wrong perspective money-wise.

The coaster is ultimately just a weenie to get people to come to the Skyplex/Mangos Complex. That's where all the money will be made. The coaster will just draw people in.

Even if the Coaster isn't super popular (and likely over-prived), if the skyplex does well, it's pretty much like saying because the Orlando Eye isn't booming with business, i-drive 360 is a failure.

I just don't trust this plan they have. I mean they put Myrtle Beach on this list, I think it is pretty safe to say over priced rides like this don't make it in that market and they already have a ton of shopping in that area. So how would this compete with the already established places in a market that doesn't handle high priced items?

I don't think they have a sound plan and honestly I doubt this will get past blue sky at any location. But I could be wrong.

However, I have changed my mind on Uni's reasoning. They are trying to be bully's like Disney has done so many times to them over the years.
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I just don't trust this plan they have. I mean they put Myrtle Beach on this list, I think it is pretty safe to say over priced rides like this don't make it in that market and they already have a ton of shopping in that area. So how would this compete with the already established places in a market that doesn't handle high priced items?

I don't think they have a sound plan and honestly I doubt this will get past blue sky at any location. But I could be wrong.

However, I have changed my mind on Uni's reasoning. They are trying to be bully's like Disney has done so many times to them over the years.
I really doubt it will get built in any of those locations listed except Orlando or Las Vegas. Those are the only two that make sense. Maybe Atlanta as that's growing as more of a tourist destination and this would be one of the bigger offerings there.
Hard Rock Park failed, there's no way in hell any investor would fund SkyPlex to be built in Myrtle.

The idea is awful, the guy is a jerk and is too aggressive (listen to his Coaster Radio interview if you're willing to listen to a whiny, angry bitch session from this dude) and Universal is, as well, being kinda terrible in its blatant anti-competition bias. They're sending out mailers to attract the same kind of old fogey traditionalists that probably hate Universal's presence as well. The ol "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

I don't want to take sides, but I'll be with Universal only because I live in Vegas and our skyline is tacky enough already.

(btw gotta love the random Enterprise flat ride in the video)