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Lionsgate World Resort

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Thoughts on SkyPlex?

  • I want it!

  • I have concerns, but still want to see it built.

  • I hate it!

  • I don't care.

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Central Florida has gotten itself into a situation where Tourism is pretty much the only economic generator in the region. It's not necessarily a bad or good thing because we've reaped the benefits and downfalls of it. It just makes sense to have Skyplex built because the pros outweigh the cons.
Now, let's imagine this project is shot down entirely, no way it will happen. If I was the entrepreneur of Skyplex I would tell others who are looking to introduce new and exciting things to Orlando to go somewhere else because the City/County government as well as some competitors don't like growth. Then, I-Drive shall remain a Premium Skull Outlet Kingdom...
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Thanks. Skycoaster in Orlando was 2012 I think, but then, the plans would have been filed prior to that. Until where do city limits extent?

The orange is city, the whitish areas are Orange County.

Central Florida has gotten itself into a situation where Tourism is pretty much the only economic generator in the region. It's not necessarily a bad or good thing because we've reaped the benefits and downfalls of it. It just makes sense to have Skyplex built because the pros outweigh the cons.
Now, let's imagine this project is shot down entirely, no way it will happen. If I was the entrepreneur of Skyplex I would tell others who are looking to introduce new and exciting things to Orlando to go somewhere else because the City/County government as well as some competitors don't like growth. Then, I-Drive shall remain a Premium Skull Outlet Kingdom...

Not true about the only industry. A lot of banks are here, lockhead, seamins, Darden, Ruth chris, and a bunch of others. I know more people who work with non tourism industries than people who work for tourism industries here.
What a political fiasco that map is. Why is Wet'n Wild excluded when the city surrounds it? And what is that little divot at the bottom. What resides there?

(btw, I am seeing a yellow ocher and not orange, but hey)
What a political fiasco that map is. Why is Wet'n Wild excluded when the city surrounds it? And what is that little divot at the bottom. What resides there?

(btw, I am seeing a yellow ocher and not orange, but hey)

Wet n' Wild isn't excluded, the major tourism sites are highlighted for some reason (UOR is the same color). The little extension south of Sand Lake alongside a Lockheed parking lot is likely due to an electrical substation that sits at the bottom of that (probably an OUC substation, the city utility company).
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I've been debating to post this as a long twitter rant, a blog post, or a forum post. Forum post wins. That being said this post is my views only and not of anyone at Orlando United, and my position as a moderator is to keep discussions civilized, remove spam, and perform maintenance in the forums.

There's a lot of manufactured emotions on both sides of this issue. Universal and Skyplex are both using local regulations, citizens support/dissent, and also created an AstroTurf movement of support in the community and social media. In this situation no one is Jesus or Pontius Pilate.

When the generic Polercoaster design was announced and unveiled in 2011 several locations were proposed and none have been built so far. A co-designer for the project, S&S, has pulled out of the development of the Orlando installation. And funding for the land purchase and development has been a long time coming. These are several warning signs of a troubled project simply based on history of other projects. We quickly forget about the DreamVisions, Wizard of Oz theme parks, and smaller local amusements that get announced, planned, or even begin construction that soon get abandoned. It's not bullying or being a jerk to raise an eyebrow at the Skyplex design (untested and unbuilt so far) and it's funding (get clearer now but murky for awhile). Even projects with major funding never get off the ground or get abandoned (just look at the graveyard of Disney projects).

As the Skyplex project becomes less murky and solidifies its plans the easier it is to see the trajectory. Skyplex's statements over the years of "it's coming!" without any information did not create a narrative of success. Reports of shady international funding, project issues, and more did and does not inspire confidence in my eyes. What Skyplex should have done was hold the line with a boilerplate response as the project forms till they can lay out their plans all at once. There should not be any zoning or height related issues while one is on a positive PR blitz. I believe in retrospect Skyplex would do things differently and they'd be the first to admit it.

Universal's response to Skyplex is not cool, but not unheard of or illegal. I believe questioning traffic studies and more are honest questions asked from a skeptical eye looking out for their own interests. Creating a citizens united organization as an AstroTurf movement to show dissent on the project is shady in my eyes. I am 100% behind honesty in intentions, and UOR's so far have not been. But I do not agree with using loaded language such as "bullies" to describe their actions.

This leads me to social media and 3rd parties where a sustained effort from a select few are trying to change the narrative. I have removed myself this part of the community because of the attacks at my friends, the vitriol, and removal of any grey zones in discussion. It's either you fully support Skyplex with the "facts" or you're part of [HASHTAG]#bullyversal[/HASHTAG], and I reject that stance. Additionally, just as Universal funds and supports an AstroTurf movement, I question the funding of several 'promoted tweets' lambasting Universal while supporting Skyplex from these 3rd parties. To create and feed a negative environment to position Skyplex as a victim of Universal while appearing to use the same tactics you condemn is hypocrisy, plain and simple. And if anything these 3rd parties are hurting Skyplex in the eyes of the community more than Universal or Skyplex could ever do. A positive message of support will always work better in the long run than a negative. Skyplex and Universal are companies and projects, my friends are people, that's my line. I have unfollowed, muted, and blocked people in that part of the community because, to quote WarGames, "the only winning move is not to play"*.

Thanks for following along with my brain dump.

*Not Skyplex or Universal, but socially and my mental health
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Sounds like this is a real dirty mess down there in the Orlando area. I've not read enough about this to hold a solid opinion one way or the other. The only real comment I'd like to make is that the factor of being a bit old has allowed me to witness quite a few underfunded and questionably financed commercial projects over the years that ruined & blighted areas or neighborhoods with uncompleted or abandoned projects after the initial build. Unfortunately there are a lot of people in the development business that are just pure speculators at the best or even scam artists at the worst. Bottom line is that the financial capabilities and aspects of all parties concerned with a project need to be fully scrutinized so that all is on the up & up.
My current opinion on this, is that as a tourist, I'd love to see it get built as it's something else to do and the coaster looks like it will be great fun.

I can see the concerns though and I think the biggest concern should be, what happens if it fails? Orlando has been littered with failed attractions in the past but this isn't exactly going to be a small attraction like Skull Kingdom that can easily be bulldozed down. Also, Sand Lake Road and International Drive are a traffic nightmare currently and this will only make things worse.
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I can see the concerns though and I think the biggest concern should be, what happens if it fails? Orlando has been littered with failed attractions in the past but this isn't exactly going to be a small attraction like Skull Kingdom that can easily be bulldozed down. Also, Sand Lake Road and International Drive are a traffic nightmare currently and this will only make things worse.
The traffic on Sand Lake Road and International Drive will always be bad but steps are being taken to help the situation. Sand Lake is due to be rebuilt to its largest possible buildout in the ROW its in by the time this is built.

Also, the complex will only slow in traffic into the complex from these roads. All outward traffic will go down that side street in the back of the plot.

Lastly, the developer has proposed to provide all upfront costs of a pedestrian bridge over that intersection, this would help traffic by allowing the intersection to not be effected negatively by pedestrian activity.
We quickly forget about the DreamVisions, Wizard of Oz theme parks, and smaller local amusements that get announced, planned, or even begin construction that soon get abandoned.

There have been plenty of abandoned projects along I-Drive itself. Around 7 years ago, there were at least five planned high-rise hotel towers. None have ever opened. Even the Orlando Eye was initially slated for the corner of Westwood, not so far north. Skycoaster could easily join that list.

Here's the thing, tho. I don't see it remaining an "eyesore" as the argument seems to run. Land doesn't sit empty on I-Drive for long. Race Rock went out, was a Dave & Busters within 2 years. Plans to turn Mercado into a high-rise hotel fell through after it closed--I-Drive 360 swept in and scooped up the land. If Skycoaster fails, there will be a chain restaurant under construction on its plot within months.

(Also, I don't know how one defines "eyesore" on a road with a neon Ferris wheel, an upside down museum, a building shaped like a giant fry box, chintzy gift shops, and just a bizarre clash of architectural styles, but hey, that's aesthetics, opinions vary.)
I can see the concerns though and I think the biggest concern should be, what happens if it fails? Orlando has been littered with failed attractions in the past but this isn't exactly going to be a small attraction like Skull Kingdom that can easily be bulldozed down. Also, Sand Lake Road and International Drive are a traffic nightmare currently and this will only make things worse.

Other than Splendid China--which is being bulldozed for Margaritaviile as I type--how many are still around? And even that, had Osceola not been obstinate and short-sighted, would have been Lego Land years ago.

A plot at Sand Lake and I-Drive is premium land, will only increase in value given current trends.
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I've been debating to post this as a long twitter rant, a blog post, or a forum post. Forum post wins. That being said this post is my views only and not of anyone at Orlando United, and my position as a moderator is to keep discussions civilized, remove spam, and perform maintenance in the forums.

There's a lot of manufactured emotions on both sides of this issue. Universal and Skyplex are both using local regulations, citizens support/dissent, and also created an AstroTurf movement of support in the community and social media. In this situation no one is Jesus or Pontius Pilate.

When the generic Polercoaster design was announced and unveiled in 2011 several locations were proposed and none have been built so far. A co-designer for the project, S&S, has pulled out of the development of the Orlando installation. And funding for the land purchase and development has been a long time coming. These are several warning signs of a troubled project simply based on history of other projects. We quickly forget about the DreamVisions, Wizard of Oz theme parks, and smaller local amusements that get announced, planned, or even begin construction that soon get abandoned. It's not bullying or being a jerk to raise an eyebrow at the Skyplex design (untested and unbuilt so far) and it's funding (get clearer now but murky for awhile). Even projects with major funding never get off the ground or get abandoned (just look at the graveyard of Disney projects).

As the Skyplex project becomes less murky and solidifies its plans the easier it is to see the trajectory. Skyplex's statements over the years of "it's coming!" without any information did not create a narrative of success. Reports of shady international funding, project issues, and more did and does not inspire confidence in my eyes. What Skyplex should have done was hold the line with a boilerplate response as the project forms till they can lay out their plans all at once. There should not be any zoning or height related issues while one is on a positive PR blitz. I believe in retrospect Skyplex would do things differently and they'd be the first to admit it.

Universal's response to Skyplex is not cool, but not unheard of or illegal. I believe questioning traffic studies and more are honest questions asked from a skeptical eye looking out for their own interests. Creating a citizens united organization as an AstroTurf movement to show dissent on the project is shady in my eyes. I am 100% behind honesty in intentions, and UOR's so far have not been. But I do not agree with using loaded language such as "bullies" to describe their actions.

This leads me to social media and 3rd parties where a sustained effort from a select few are trying to change the narrative. I have removed myself this part of the community because of the attacks at my friends, the vitriol, and removal of any grey zones in discussion. It's either you fully support Skyplex with the "facts" or you're part of [HASHTAG]#bullyversal[/HASHTAG], and I reject that stance. Additionally, just as Universal funds and supports an AstroTurf movement, I question the funding of several 'promoted tweets' lambasting Universal while supporting Skyplex from these 3rd parties. To create and feed a negative environment to position Skyplex as a victim of Universal while appearing to use the same tactics you condemn is hypocrisy, plain and simple. And if anything these 3rd parties are hurting Skyplex in the eyes of the community more than Universal or Skyplex could ever do. A positive message of support will always work better in the long run than a negative. Skyplex and Universal are companies and projects, my friends are people, that's my line. I have unfollowed, muted, and blocked people in that part of the community because, to quote WarGames, "the only winning move is not to play"*.

Thanks for following along with my brain dump.

*Not Skyplex or Universal, but socially and my mental health
But the way Universal is going about this process IS bullying in nature. If they were to state things as you have here, I don't think anyone would really argue. It's the fact that Universal is being giant dicks about the situation and their handling of it.