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Thoughts on SkyPlex?

  • I want it!

  • I have concerns, but still want to see it built.

  • I hate it!

  • I don't care.

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I don't truly care if this gets built or not, i'll live if it doesn't and life will go on just fine. But the defense of it ruining the ORLANDO skyline and that Disney, Universal and SeaWorld are Classy parks is BS. You don't come to Orlando because you want a 5-star getaway.

People come to Orlando because they want to do the obligatory family Disney vacation, or to be immersed in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. They come for the rides. Skyplex may well fail, but Universal has no right to even be in the room imo, as they have an obvious bias.
Oh yeah, I don't care if it gets built really, just musing on the situation. I'd just rather it not so I don't possibly have to see that crap in my own backyard. :lol:
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Hard Rock Park failed, there's no way in hell any investor would fund SkyPlex to be built in Myrtle.

The idea is awful, the guy is a jerk and is too aggressive (listen to his Coaster Radio interview if you're willing to listen to a whiny, angry bitch session from this dude) and Universal is, as well, being kinda terrible in its blatant anti-competition bias. They're sending out mailers to attract the same kind of old fogey traditionalists that probably hate Universal's presence as well. The ol "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

I don't want to take sides, but I'll be with Universal only because I live in Vegas and our skyline is tacky enough already.

(btw gotta love the random Enterprise flat ride in the video)

That is my thing with Myrtle Beach. Hard Rock failed because of price point and being in a bad location. I imagine this will have a higher price point. Also, Myrtle Beach is VERY seasonal. So these types of things have a hard time making it with their only busy season being the June to Aug crowd. I don't see golfers doing this type of thing and they are the March to May crowd. Many places like this close down or reduce hours over the winter months to reduce costs. This is a pretty expensive coaster to build to not be run over half the year (another reason hard rock failed, too expensive to build for the type of return only in the summer). Local parks work because they don't spend Uni type money to build their rides. That is why there is no theming, they can't afford it because local parks are closed outside of the summer months. But this thing is going to be very expensive to build and won't attract the off season folks (older and golfers). The shopping complexes work in Myrtle Beach because they market to those two demographics. They have the nightly shows that those people like. But since the main draw is the coaster, it won't attract those folks.

Now could it succeed in Orlando? I have issues with it there too. More and more people are staying on property and don't even have cars. The folks that do have cars is the people they have to pull from. How many of those people will be attracted by a coaster like this? Sure, it sounds fun for thrill seekers, but your casual coaster fan won't be running to this. The other thing is the weather in Orlando. When the weather is bad, people shop and do other indoor stuff. So with lightning and other things like that, it will also steer people away from this and to other shopping areas.

I do agree with Universal in one area, and that is I-Drive needs a better infrastructure before these types of things are built and this includes what Uni wants to build. I-Drive traffic is awful and something needs to be done before they add more. I know most locals try to avoid I Drive and this things needs to attract locals to succeed too.
But I want to see it built! Those who are saying it will fail are thinking at it from the wrong perspective money-wise.

The coaster is ultimately just a weenie to get people to come to the Skyplex/Mangos Complex. That's where all the money will be made. The coaster will just draw people in.

Even if the Coaster isn't super popular (and likely over-prived), if the skyplex does well, it's pretty much like saying because the Orlando Eye isn't booming with business, i-drive 360 is a failure.

You work the front desk at a hotel servicing the #2 convention center in the country. Guests ask where the nightlife is. Which is easier:
(a) Get in your car, drive up this crowded street for 2 miles of bumper to bumper traffic and turn left.
(b) Get in your car, drive two exits down I-4. Yes, it's still Disney World, but no, it's not $100 to get in.
(c) See that giant roller coaster up a couple blocks up? Right there.

The I-Drive demo doesn't live on message boards/Twitter talking about theme parks. Not looking to spend the day somewhere, they have seminars and breakout sessions all day, let the kids go. They're looking for a party and maybe something cool to do for an hour in the evening.
You work the front desk at a hotel servicing the #2 convention center in the country. Guests ask where the nightlife is. Which is easier:
(a) Get in your car, drive up this crowded street for 2 miles of bumper to bumper traffic and turn left.
(b) Get in your car, drive two exits down I-4. Yes, it's still Disney World, but no, it's not $100 to get in.
(c) See that giant roller coaster up a couple blocks up? Right there.

The I-Drive demo doesn't live on message boards/Twitter talking about theme parks. Not looking to spend the day somewhere, they have seminars and breakout sessions all day, let the kids go. They're looking for a party and maybe something cool to do for an hour in the evening.
Yep, this is why places like Senior Frogs, Tin Roof, Howl At The Moon, BB Kings, etc, etc all do REALLY well.

People just want a place to hang out and have fun.
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This just rubs me the wrong way again. It says there is 17 citizens involved with this. SEVENTEEN. They easily could be employees, but the fact that the number is so low makes me think it's actually real people with nothing better to do with their life.

As I said earlier, I have no idea why a company that has an obvious bias in this decision is allowed to take part and run smear campaign on top of that.
This just rubs me the wrong way again. It says there is 17 citizens involved with this. SEVENTEEN. They easily could be employees, but the fact that the number is so low makes me think it's actually real people with nothing better to do with their life.

As I said earlier, I have no idea why a company that has an obvious bias in this decision is allowed to take part and run smear campaign on top of that.

Yeah it is crazy that 17 people can really change anything. Sounds like most people who live there don't care. Unless those 17 people are representing whole neighborhoods I don't see this being a big deal and the city should not listen to them.
This just rubs me the wrong way again. It says there is 17 citizens involved with this. SEVENTEEN. They easily could be employees, but the fact that the number is so low makes me think it's actually real people with nothing better to do with their life.

As I said earlier, I have no idea why a company that has an obvious bias in this decision is allowed to take part and run smear campaign on top of that.

The whole thing seems quite sleazy. I just can't see any reason to oppose it personally.

I will be genuinely surprised if it gets built but I really hope it does.

It's something else to do at night time when the parks are closed and the coaster looks like it will be absolutely epic.
With all the stupid high school drama going on with this project, I highly doubt it will be built.... Although I really want to be completely wrong on that statement, please! prove me wrong. Even though I love and I'm so proud of Universal for their speed and interest to be the best theme park company in CFL, I have to say when it comes to this project.... shame on you!, shame on you Universal for acting Disney-ish. Let's never forget about 15+ years ago when CFL Mayor Eisner "or so he thought" was in power, and thought that no major project in CFL could take place without his approval, and you came in and taught him a lesson going from a single park to a full resort, and now! you are trying to pull the same crap on others..... aaaaahhhh NO!
I don't remember who it was but someone had said on Twitter last night to include a bond or something that would cover all or a portion of the demolition costs in case the project does go under. Having a giant unfinished or shuttered structure (due to either going under or damage from storms) this tall and in this area is my primary concern.
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First, I'm going to edit this thread and poll to make it more "current".

Second; I feel like I need to preface this statement by saying I know a lot of people want this project to happen because it's something else to do while in Orlando. Personally, I'm in the "don't care if it happens or not", but have stated my questions to the long-term sustainability of the Skyplex. I can't fault Universal as a business looking out for it's own best interests. Universal and SeaWorld helped I-Drive blossom so I get why they (specifically Universal) feel they should have final say and such. Part of me wonders if SeaWorld wasn't hurting would they be involved in the fight. Now where I can fault UO is how they've handled some of the pushback to get it from happening, but in Corp America, it's a Dog Eat Dog mentality so.....

But I get it. Walt Disney World happened because Disneyland's surrounding boom of businesses. Only difference between Anaheim and Orlando is Orlando thrives upon the Theme Park business and the political games will help the big dogs as much as they can.

On the flip side, Skyplex's hands aren't exactly clean either, but they are the underdog.
I can't fault Universal as a business looking out for it's own best interests. Universal and SeaWorld helped I-Drive blossom so I get why they (specifically Universal) feel they should have final say and such.

I think having final say is a bit much, I think that businesses should be able to have the freedom to open and flurish on I Drive.

I can see the worry though that local residents will have about it being a massive eye sore but I can't see it being any worse than the Orlando Eye. I guess the main concern will be if construction starts and it never gets finished and given the hurdles they've had to overcome so far and the issues that seem to have risen, that's a real possibility. The structure is going to be colossal though and I think they will run into issues trying to build something that grand in the swamp land that is Orlando.
Final say was probably a poor choice of words. Maybe "top dog" or something.

I think I know what you mean but can't really think of the words or a good analogy. It basically boils down that Universal's opinion should hold a lot of weight.
It should, but they don't own the land in question and the fact that they are sending out Anti-skyplex mail is proof that they aren't even keeping an open mind to the project and are 100% biased against it.

There are situations where I can see it justifiable to have Universal's opinion hold a lot of weight, but this isn't one of those situations.