Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion | Page 148 | Inside Universal Forums

Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion

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Looking at all the aerial pictures showing the near complete exterior of the facade.

It seems kind of silly they couldn't justify the extra cash to extend the left wall a bit more, at the very least to help being a bit more symmetry to the gate.

They easily could of maintained a door or opening for vehicle access due to the height of the wall.

Especially with the dense vegetation, it would of looked awesome.

View attachment 1612

Give me 30mins and I'll fix that for you after I've had my tea.

Edit: I had a few mins more than I thought.

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The theming work looks incredible.

Looking at all the aerial pictures showing the near complete exterior of the facade.

It seems kind of silly they couldn't justify the extra cash to extend the left wall a bit more, at the very least to help being a bit more symmetry to the gate.

They easily could of maintained a door or opening for vehicle access due to the height of the wall.

Especially with the dense vegetation, it would of looked awesome.

View attachment 1612

That budget instead will go to hiding the HP show building from JP!

...I wish.
First off great photo shop and thank you for sharing that!!

Now, imo the addition to the wall isn't warranted nor imo is it a plus to the overall aesthetics of the attractions theming. The sheer scale of the facade at ground level is nothing short of jaw dropping. I mention ground level specifically because 99.98% of people will never see it from that vantage point, and to be honest that's really the only vantage point it's going to affect positively.

As a guest the addition would do more damage than good. People complain about the bleeding of sight lines now. This wall extension would be a nightmare for sight lines both present and future.

In addition I think if you expand the building or wall anymore horizontally it may have a negative impact on forced perspective thus forcing the temple entrance to be off scale or at least not as intimidating to guests. Forced perspective is a tough execution, see the New Fantasy land for reference.

Finally there is the operational piece we have to accommodate. The lane pictured here is if I'm not mistaken a fire lane for emergency vehicles. Which of course cannot be blocked. Now they could always pull a Diagon Alley and hide those fire lanes brilliantly but this is really stretching it. I mean would a business rather invest in the overall experience or theming a fire lane that's out of the way completely. Diagon is a bit different cause the lanes have to blend since they're in the middle of the land.

First off great photo shop and thank you for sharing that!!

Now, imo the addition to the wall isn't warranted nor imo is it a plus to the overall aesthetics of the attractions theming. The sheer scale of the facade at ground level is nothing short of jaw dropping. I mention ground level specifically because 99.98% of people will never see it from that vantage point, and to be honest that's really the only vantage point it's going to affect positively.

As a guest the addition would do more damage than good. People complain about the bleeding of sight lines now. This wall extension would be a nightmare for sight lines both present and future.

In addition I think if you expand the building or wall anymore horizontally it may have a negative impact on forced perspective thus forcing the temple entrance to be off scale or at least not as intimidating to guests. Forced perspective is a tough execution, see the New Fantasy land for reference.

Finally there is the operational piece we have to accommodate. The lane pictured here is if I'm not mistaken a fire lane for emergency vehicles. Which of course cannot be blocked. Now they could always pull a Diagon Alley and hide those fire lanes brilliantly but this is really stretching it. I mean would a business rather invest in the overall experience or theming a fire lane that's out of the way completely. Diagon is a bit different cause the lanes have to blend since they're in the middle of the land.


I don't think it's necessary. As far as I can tell, you'll only be close up in the moving ride vehicle and you'll be that distracted by the opening gates that 99% of the people won't see it. Even if you only have a few trees and a painted wall with trees on it, it will be more than enough to hide it.

The trees around the paths in JP do a great job of making it feel like a dense jungle and some parts of it is pretty thin.
First off great photo shop and thank you for sharing that!!

Now, imo the addition to the wall isn't warranted nor imo is it a plus to the overall aesthetics of the attractions theming. The sheer scale of the facade at ground level is nothing short of jaw dropping. I mention ground level specifically because 99.98% of people will never see it from that vantage point, and to be honest that's really the only vantage point it's going to affect positively.

As a guest the addition would do more damage than good. People complain about the bleeding of sight lines now. This wall extension would be a nightmare for sight lines both present and future.

In addition I think if you expand the building or wall anymore horizontally it may have a negative impact on forced perspective thus forcing the temple entrance to be off scale or at least not as intimidating to guests. Forced perspective is a tough execution, see the New Fantasy land for reference.

Finally there is the operational piece we have to accommodate. The lane pictured here is if I'm not mistaken a fire lane for emergency vehicles. Which of course cannot be blocked. Now they could always pull a Diagon Alley and hide those fire lanes brilliantly but this is really stretching it. I mean would a business rather invest in the overall experience or theming a fire lane that's out of the way completely. Diagon is a bit different cause the lanes have to blend since they're in the middle of the land.

Yeah, I basically agree with what you've said. That area being blocked & themed didn't seem to be necessary from what I saw a few months ago when I was there. View from ground level is basically as you've said.
Welcome to the forum!

Wow there is definitely a lot of tilting going on with that car and thanks Scott! I've been reading the forum since 09 but forgot my password and username a few years ago and decided to join again. I always go to Orlando United it truly is the best way to follow current Universal projects
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Well, it is a month behind my schedule but better than a slap in face. I have given you all a hint at the delay, thanks to UC's blatant attempt to correct. Otherwise I had been shutting up for the past two months. They have had to do the same inside the building to my knowledge. They ran into the same problems on FJ and Gringotts too. Damn rebar steel.
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Im gonna go all Debbie Downer on this. With the length of the rv and the length of the outdoor track, the outdoor portion seems kind of like a ....waste. Yes I know majestic doors and all that. But with the scale of the temple, size of the trucks, everything, it makes that outdoor ride seem puny.
I'll be a Debbie downer too. It looks so unrealistic, with the way the vehicle is turning. Also, hope they slow it down, that outdoor portion is 10 seconds long. Looks lame ngl and with the screenz, not looking forward to it.
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