Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion | Page 321 | Inside Universal Forums

Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion

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As another note he said he sat in the back of the truck and didn't have any problems seeing everything, including the ending (except possibly the extra AA in the bug scene, which may or not be just a 3-D effect).
The info Muse provided was awesome. Sucks Fatality had to be weird about the whole thing.

I kept hearing this ride has more AA's than you think. Then Muse pointed out there are 3-4. Thats definitely less than I was expecting but I'm sure they will still look amazing.

He definitely reinvigorated my hype for this ride after week after week of really nothing.
There's no animatronic in the bug pit scene.
that makes sense seeing he couldn't vouch for it himself. I'm still worried about the views from these vehicles. It was a question I didn't get to ask.

And I saw that banning coming three days ago. Sucks we had to lose muse. :angry:
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that makes sense seeing he couldn't vouch for it himself. I'm still worried about the views from these vehicles. It was a question I didn't get to ask.

And I saw that banning coming three days ago. Sucks we had to lose muse. :angry:

Hopefully this isn't too off topic, but how long was Fatality a member of the forum? He/she seemed like they'd been here a while.
There's no animatronic in the bug pit scene.
Thanks. I am very interested in this scene because the arachnid scene on FJ is one of my favorite things. With what I heard of the Kong bug scene, I am curious how this will play out.

Interesting also, Muse said the 3D did not seem overdone, and Teebin wandering if perhaps some people may confuse a 3D image for an AA, leads me to wonder if the 3D is much different than in other attractions.
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The only thing you should be warned about is that if you are tall, like 33-36 inseam, sit down carefully and watch your knees! Some may have to sit side saddle.

Ugh god dammit haha. I hate when my knees have to 'eat the seat' in front of me, damn long legs.

To address the environment here. I am fairly new here and greatly enjoy the atmosphere and interest everyone shares here. Almost all disagreements or point of views are treated equal and with very little aggression. It makes me happy to come and share info I find out and listen to what others find. And a nod to the mods to keep us in line when we veer off track!!

Makes me quite excited for future threads.
It would be like Spider Man jumping on the fire escape ladder which is real. How they calculate that stuff in cgi is beyond me.
From my limited stage experience, projection mapping software can do a pretty good amount of the maths for things like that, but there would still be a massive amount of effort and skill on the side of the animator, from what I understand.
Alright as someone who has been targeted several times by people who post random personal stuff about me I cannot stress enough how supportive I am for Muse and his decision. Its terrible that in an environment like this their is always some piece of :poop: that has to attack others. Hopefully Muse will continue to read along here and maybe one day be able to join in on the conversation again. Cheers Muse you will be missed :cheers:

As for Fatality so long and good riddance!

As for Kong my money is still on Friday, if not y'all enjoy cause I'll be in Tennessee when it begins public softs lol
It would be like Spider Man jumping on the fire escape ladder which is real. How they calculate that stuff in 3D and cgi is beyond me.

I was able to see the master computer program for Transformers once. With the tech they have its actually kind of funny how simple (I use that term loosely) writing the 'ride' is.

Its very interactive and similar to a timeline for say a film editor like Pinnacle or Windows movie makers. They sync all their sensors and just position them along the timeline as needed, matched with location sensors along the track. So when 'marks' they called them (the sensors along the track, the ultimate location tracker) would be signaled, all the items set to a certain timer would start like a nested loop.

There are great articles about some of the programmers who would sit on rides like Spiderman for hours constantly riding it with a laptop strapped to their lap where they literally adjust timing on the fly while riding.
Hey guys, I'm out. Really enjoyed getting to know all of you. You've all been really nice and pleasant to talk to. Unfortunately one of the members on this site decided to take it upon himself to harrass me through private messages with personal information etc. So I have asked the admin to delete my account. Thanks again guys, have a good one and enjoy Kong!
Damn. What the heck is wrong with some people. I hope they're permanently banned for this.
Not really a spoiler but being cautious so Briman doesn't ban me too. :look:

The only thing you should be warned about is that if you are tall, like 33-36 inseam, sit down carefully and watch your knees! Some may have to sit side saddle.
Well I'm about 5'8". Am I good here?
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Just to add, also quite new here and I find the atmosphere great, it's a real celebration of Orlandos parks with critical but good natured debates. I read a few other forums, but only post here and the contrast in how the forums feel is quite apparent to me, so thank you to the mods especially and the many great contributors.

Any estimates on ride time length yet, or have I missed it along the way?
Just to add, also quite new here and I find the atmosphere great, it's a real celebration of Orlandos parks with critical but good natured debates. I read a few other forums, but only post here and the contrast in how the forums feel is quite apparent to me, so thank you to the mods especially and the many great contributors.

Any estimates on ride time length yet, or have I missed it along the way?
Ride length should be around 6 minutes
I missed all the hoopla earlier, and I don't want any part of it...

But my understanding is this Muse person rode the ride..?

Which begs the question of how he/she was allowed to talk about it?

Termination and banning from the resort are the consequences plastered everywhere.
Got people that can dish it out but can't take it, got people that push it too far, and got big ole babies that cry about every little thing smh. Grow up be a man and stop taking stuff and to the other person who has the bullying issues just give it up the world is far too soft for that nowadays.