Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion | Page 322 | Inside Universal Forums

Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion

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Got people that can dish it out but can't take it, got people that push it too far, and got big ole babies that cry about every little thing smh. Grow up be a man and stop taking stuff and to the other person who has the bullying issues just give it up the world is far too soft for that nowadays.
Or our country is at least, the push for anti-bullying in America was huge and it was stated that we as Americans shouldn't stand for that. So give that act up.
I missed all the hoopla earlier, and I don't want any part of it...
But my understanding is this Muse person rode the ride..?
Which begs the question of how he/she was allowed to talk about it?
Termination and banning from the resort are the consequences plastered everywhere.

He was selective in what he revealed and didn't go overboard with details. It was basically, "It's a very good attraction and Kong is impressive" kind of thing.
The bitter and jaded part of me that resides in the cold dead area that was once my heart wants to say that's because only people who would say precisely/predictably that are allowed anywhere near it at the moment.. For just that reason... But I'll refrain and optimistically believe he was an intelligent self aware sentient being who actually enjoyed his experience for whatever reason and perhaps I might enjoy it too.
I believe he said there were 3-4 AAs with the fourth one out of vision.

I am very wonky in how I count things. As an example, I call the 360 part one screen because it is one scene. The same applies to robot characters. If there are two or three of the exact same thing in the same location, I call it one. So, now you at least understand my reasoning if not my delineation.
I was able to see the master computer program for Transformers once. With the tech they have its actually kind of funny how simple (I use that term loosely) writing the 'ride' is.

Its very interactive and similar to a timeline for say a film editor like Pinnacle or Windows movie makers. They sync all their sensors and just position them along the timeline as needed, matched with location sensors along the track. So when 'marks' they called them (the sensors along the track, the ultimate location tracker) would be signaled, all the items set to a certain timer would start like a nested loop.

There are great articles about some of the programmers who would sit on rides like Spiderman for hours constantly riding it with a laptop strapped to their lap where they literally adjust timing on the fly while riding.

I design industrial equipment in the high tech industry, and when I was at Universal, I was fascinated by the parallels between my industry and the theme park industry. We actually use the exact same sensors on our machines as the ones on the Jurassic Park ride, and I'm assuming plenty of other rides. They're extremely rugged laser rangefinders that are tuned to trigger at a specific distance. Basically, it looks out across the water, and when the boat passes in front of its view, the distance is dramatically shortened, and that sends the trigger to the ride show system. The sensors are cheap, usually $100-200, but can last for decades.

Newer rides like the Harry Potter rides and Kong probably have positional tracking built into the ride vehicles, but good old rangefinders are by no means obsolete.

Universal Creative uses the same motion controller we use too. I recognized most of the industrial systems they talked about on a job posting there.
I design industrial equipment in the high tech industry, and when I was at Universal, I was fascinated by the parallels between my industry and the theme park industry. We actually use the exact same sensors on our machines as the ones on the Jurassic Park ride, and I'm assuming plenty of other rides. They're extremely rugged laser rangefinders that are tuned to trigger at a specific distance. Basically, it looks out across the water, and when the boat passes in front of its view, the distance is dramatically shortened, and that sends the trigger to the ride show system. The sensors are cheap, usually $100-200, but can last for decades.

Newer rides like the Harry Potter rides and Kong probably have positional tracking built into the ride vehicles, but good old rangefinders are by no means obsolete.

Universal Creative uses the same motion controller we use too. I recognized most of the industrial systems they talked about on a job posting there.

As someone in engineering in a large machinery company it's very similar. I mean these are just like any other big piece of equipment, instead they just cary people past cool things instead of making parts and stuff.
As for Kong my money is still on Friday, if not y'all enjoy cause I'll be in Tennessee when it begins public softs lol

I'm heading to the park on Friday so hoping this is the case. If not I'm leaving for a month next Friday, so hopefully it'll soft in the next eight days.
I'm convinced most of us are aspiring engineers fanboying until we each can break into this niche market.

On my most recent project I actually incorporated a sensor system very similar to some large theme park vehicles to control and maintain lock tracking for unit security. You could say I reverse engineered it from a few ride vehicles I've studied :)

You could also say I may have just slightly over designed the system to further educate myself in a field I hope to use a lot more!
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Go to the parks one day and miss everything. I did get to see fog and saw Kong from the flyer ride though.

Muse you will be missed. I can't say the same about Fatality, but I imagine that is no surprise to anyone. I still can't believe someone has the time to go check out someone's personal crap and harass them about it. Get a life and enjoy the company on this great site instead. Thanks Bri for being the awesome mod you are and taking care of this issue. I am just sad we lost a nice member in this mess, but totally understand Muse's decision.

Here are some pics, not the best, but what I could get from the flyer ride.

Go to the parks one day and miss everything. I did get to see fog and saw Kong from the flyer ride though.

Muse you will be missed. I can't say the same about Fatality, but I imagine that is no surprise to anyone. I still can't believe someone has the time to go check out someone's personal crap and harass them about it. Get a life and enjoy the company on this great site instead. Thanks Bri for being the awesome mod you are and taking care of this issue. I am just sad we lost a nice member in this mess, but totally understand Muse's decision.

Here are some pics, not the best, but what I could get from the flyer ride.

Oh, man I gotta get me a kid from somewhere!
My Fig! Thanks Izzy! That is a Bolivian Tipu tree behind it in the distance. I so miss the world of Florida plants.

The murals are growing on me... I cannot imagine being the art director on making that call.

I do like the mural. I think the abrupt stop on the right side looks funky from that elevation, but I'm assuming from ground level you don't even notice?
Got people that can dish it out but can't take it, got people that push it too far, and got big ole babies that cry about every little thing smh. Grow up be a man and stop taking stuff and to the other person who has the bullying issues just give it up the world is far too soft for that nowadays.
What I'm not sure I understand, you're calling the person who didn't wanna be here anymore because some asshat kept harassing him a baby because he didn't want to deal with that. Also are you saying that the bully shouldn't be that way because the world is too soft, instead of that makes you a dick