The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 19 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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You didn't.. i was just trying to give you reasoning behind my actions. I apologize ir I didn't tell you the full story, but others on this board were pushing it as a major event where hundreds were waiting off site to join in on the festivities. So, again, I'm sorry, but I hope the photographers at least made it out based on my words.

Were you the first person to post that this was the day the website correspondents visited?

Mantaguy... There are japanese umbrella pines at Islands of Adventure in Florida? or Crepe Myrtles? You are confusing me
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You didn't.. i was just trying to give you reasoning behind my actions. I apologize ir I didn't tell you the full story, but others on this board were pushing it as a major event where hundreds were waiting off site to join in on the festivities. So, again, I'm sorry, but I hope the photographers at least made it out based on my words.

Were you the first person to post that this was the day the website correspondents visited?

Ummmmmmm, actually I'm not sure if anyone has blatantly come out and said it, but it's possible someone else did in the 60+ pages that have developed since, hahaha. But when I saw the report from Leaky and Mugglenet, I just put two and two together.
You know, I would actually bet a small amount of money that Ellen won't be doing anything Harry Potter related. I had the same hopes in 2008 for her to do something Simpsons related considering it was in the same opening timeframe as the WWOHP is.

In addition I wanted to throw this out there. The show building for FJ is ridiculously huge. It's almost twice the size of Spidey. I wouldn't be surprised to see our Great Hall in the actual ride.

Forbidden Journey is not twice the size of Spider-man unless you consider height. As far as footprint, they're very close in size.
Maybe SAS just didn't mention the full story of the Wen. so that a bunch of people didn't get their hopes up they would see something for nothing. It very well could be SAS has know about all these events but since we can barely see anything didn't bother to expand on what was going on exactly. SAS you can confirm this if you want but I think this is the logic to why you didn't mention the event & btw I did go that day & got some decent pics so it was worth going to at least me & those who enjoyed my pics.
Seriously, the smartest thing you have ever said on here: "Seriously I have no idea."

Teebin, be nice. You have made it perfectly clear that you don't believe that SAS is being honest. Let it go. Your comment is just plain nasty.

--- Update ---

Ok , this is where I turn the forum over to Teebin. Sorry for bothering you. Thanks again for making me feel welcomed. Back to your regularly scheduled pdf reading of documents submitted to Martha Haynie, Comptroller or maybe you are all in store for Teebin posting as one of his other screen names. Maybe he will even have another conversation with himself!

Okay... I have been a strong supporter of you, SAS. But, adding fuel to this fire, doesn't help your cause.

Quick question - and this is meant with all sincerity - why didn't you know about the Wednesday walk through? Until last week, there was no question in my mind that you were sincere. I don't wish you to feel like you have to "prove" anything, you don't, but I am curious as to why something as huge as the V.I.P. walk through wasn't on your agenda.
Okay regardless of the banter, I just want an answer to this...has FJ been cycling? if so have any of it's programmers ridden it? if not what is left to do? ALSO I know there has been speculation on the length of the arm, but does anyone know how long it actually is? SAS or anyone please
Mantaguy... There are japanese umbrella pines at Islands of Adventure in Florida? or Crepe Myrtles? You are confusing me

I'm pretty sure the trees planted in front of Hogwarts are the umbrella pines. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Also, I think some juvenile ones were planted near the greenhouse. I don't think there are or will be any crepe myrtles. I think you were confusing them, because they both have bright pink flowers when they bloom.

--- Update ---

Forbidden Journey is not twice the size of Spider-man unless you consider height. As far as footprint, they're very close in size.

Actually, the FJ show building is about 1/4 bigger than Spidey's in terms of ground area. And it's taller, so the volume is very substantaully larger.

And Scott, stop taking sides. You're the only member who has openly said they favor SAS over Teebin, or vice versa. You don't know either of these people, so for anyone, it's hard to judge credibility unless we see photographic evidence.

I hit myself for contributing to this nonsense, too. :bang:

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Okay regardless of the banter, I just want an answer to this...has FJ been cycling? if so have any of it's programmers ridden it? if not what is left to do? ALSO I know there has been speculation on the length of the arm, but does anyone know how long it actually is? SAS or anyone please

Not sure about the arm, but if FJ isn't cycling yet, then that would be a horrible sign. I'm sure Universal wouldn't announce a date two months from now if they hadn't even started cycling the system without riders.
True Jymmymack. I guess what i mean it ready? like are all the physical effects installed fire, wind, fog, others. And IF Ellen rides FJ they'll prbly do like the face camera where only her face is illuminated and so we can only see her reactions and not know exactly whats happenning.
Does anyone know where there is a FINAL animated video of the park? That fly-through over on Screamscape is different to what it looks like know, even though it looks so real...
Well tonight was interesting on this thread. Oh Teebin... well... any ways...

I think we should all take a chill pill and just wait for April 9th to get here. Then... you can gather your torches and pitchforks!
True Jymmymack. I guess what i mean it ready? like are all the physical effects installed fire, wind, fog, others. And IF Ellen rides FJ they'll prbly do like the face camera where only her face is illuminated and so we can only see her reactions and not know exactly whats happenning.

I would put my money on the effects being functional.

And I can't imagine how they would strap a camera onto a robotic arm, especially considering the motions we expect this thing to generate. So if Ellen rides, I don't expect any video proof except maybe her exiting and entering the ride. :shrug:

--- Update ---

Does anyone know where there is a FINAL animated video of the park? That fly-through over on Screamscape is different to what it looks like know, even though it looks so real...

There is no other animated video besides the Fly-through. And I don't think Uni will make another that''s more updated. The changes are subtle, so the GP won't notice.
Well the egos can debate as much as they like, their actions to not let anything go makes me wonder if they as mature as one would expect of either...if they were in senior roles with the responsibilities and contacts to have inside information.

I look forward to any members contributions and the greatest help forum members can give to each other is any tip on progress,tip offs or patterns on soft openings which will happen.

I appreciate all contributions and will do my bit in May when I visit if soft are not established at that time, get on my iphone and provide any tips i can.
Look, SAS at least knows SOME things, guaranteed, that no one should have known otherwise. He sounds like an intern to me, and his mentor/boss suggested that he give this whole public relations thing a go. He could be in one of many different departments, and he just doesn't know about certain events that are planned because they really don't concern his division. He knows about other things because you pick up information by talking to other people at work, and maybe he decides to share that too.

My question to SAS is what is the policy/contractual statement about using Harry Potter land in the event of a Halloween Horror Nights returning to Islands of Adventure? Will scare zones be allowed, etc. I would be curious about any information regarding that.
wow. that was the most rediculous amount of BS i have yet to read within ten pages of this forum. You guys sound sooooo rediculous, can we get back on topic or just not talk until something actually interesting can be said please? Like the pics? That would just be great. Anyways, I'll be there at IOA early sunday morning, I signed up for the Ellen show but didn't get the call back, I plan on getting to IOA at opening and will try to make my way to the entrance to the WWoHP to see if I can't get some pics of Ellen inside? We'll see what happens. I'l be tweeting anything I see: @hycontrastkid
YO (sorry I'm late). Teebin, chill out or take it to private messages. SAS said nothing to provoke you to be rude. This is a warning. You've been incredibly rude as far as I've read today (many other days as well) and a lot of people don't like it. I usually would PM this warning to you, but I want to assure the people who've complained know it is being taken care of.

SAS - From what I've seen, you're an intellectual, knowledgeable poster. Just to let you know, Teebin does not run this board at all. If he or anyone else makes nasty comments, please don't hesitate to report them or contact me, Kevin or Drew and we will take care of the issue. I don't see why you have to leave the board and make a huge deal about it causing members to further torment the situation.

Why all the arguments? This is a discussion forum, not a place to hold arguments. If you want to argue like little children, please do it via PM, Facebook, AIM, I don't care. Just keep it off the boards.

Everyone else, play nice or watch the wrath be brought upon this board in a way you've NEVER seen. :kingkong:

Back to your regularly schedule Potter discussion, thank you.
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SAS was the first person to announce that the ride vehicles were themed as benches.

I shall quote rss001 again. The poster who deleted his comments and upon the press release and info. we found out everything he said was true. He was the first to mention this. (I'm not trying to attack you, just making sure it's clear that rss was the messenger of the enchanted bench)

1. The ride system is indeed on a bus rail with a robotic arm attached allowing riders to "fly" in and around scenery. It's not a roller coaster in any way. The seats are supposed to be themed to a park bench but I personally don't think they look very good.

Urrm yeah SAS i don't think you answered me so ill ask again are there going to be flame torches on the little bridge on the FJ building



Thanks for bringing those back up. I noticed them a while ago on the video you first see on the site, I hope these become a reality in the park!

Okay regardless of the banter, I just want an answer to this...has FJ been cycling? if so have any of it's programmers ridden it? if not what is left to do? ALSO I know there has been speculation on the length of the arm, but does anyone know how long it actually is? SAS or anyone please

From rss001 back in February...

The rumor of cycling for two weeks straight is false. Although we have cycled 4 to 8 vehicles with profiles running off and on, that isn't close to the desired goal and it hasn't been near two weeks straight.

However, I wonder how often it has been cycling this month, considering this post was back in Feb.

wow. that was the most rediculous amount of BS i have yet to read within ten pages of this forum. You guys sound sooooo rediculous, can we get back on topic or just not talk until something actually interesting can be said please? Like the pics? That would just be great. Anyways, I'll be there at IOA early sunday morning, I signed up for the Ellen show but didn't get the call back, I plan on getting to IOA at opening and will try to make my way to the entrance to the WWoHP to see if I can't get some pics of Ellen inside? We'll see what happens. I'l be tweeting anything I see: @hycontrastkid

Well said. And thanks for the link, I shall be following on Sunday!

And thanks for taking care of business around these parts ralphoutloud! :mib: