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The WWE Thread

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Orton vs Bryan Iron Man Match :)

I'm sick of Orton, HHH should not be in a match with Punk or Bryan at Wrestlemania they are in a different league to him, he would put a wet flannel on each of them. I just dont get how ignorant wwe can be toward Bryan he is the most over guy and he keeps getting buried constantly, we had Show in the main event. Just because bryan is 6ft6 and a body builder physique, it's sickening.

Ideally would love to do Punk Vs Bryan at wrestlemania for the title would be a match of the year for sure.
Interesting concept I saw somewhere that had the Authority sticking Punk and Bryan #1 and #2 in the Rumble and last all the way to be the final 2. How awesome would that be? The arena would come unglued.
Interesting concept I saw somewhere that had the Authority sticking Punk and Bryan #1 and #2 in the Rumble and last all the way to be the final 2. How awesome would that be? The arena would come unglued.

That would be great but probably HHH will come out at #30 and squash the two in a matter of seconds :lol: he always throws himself in angles which are doing well, the summer of punk, Lesnar, Taker/HBK, etc
^^Assuming he puts his gear back on. I just don't see him doing so without justifiable cause....I.e. protecting his family or Punk really really getting after him.
I think I'm pretty confident that Punk's winning the rumble and then main eventing mania, then retiring in about a year

Bryan would be good too, I also predict Reigns breaking Kane's record
He's said he wants to retire soon, but before that he wants to win the rumble and main event mania one time.

He's not that young, he's 35, Austin retired only 3 years older
Im kind of glad hes coming back. WWE needs another A+ superstar on the top. He never was good on the microphone but it will be interesting to see if hes changed...but I certainly hope he doesnt turn into the one week..gone the next year etc...
Yeah that is an awesome deal indeed. It's been a long time coming too. I think it was officially announced 2 years ago with a launch supposedly taking place around WrestleMania 28. Can't wait to relive old WWE and WCW PPVs
It makes some sense with the PPVs now that I thought about it.

Sure they make take a hit for WrestleMania in PPV buys.. but I'd guess monthly subscriptions would be better than the buy rate they get for PPVs like Over the Limit and Battleground.

There will be a free trial the first week, I'll be checking it out for sure.
I've read some stuff regarding the network and I can tell its a genius move. Basically what your doing is eliminating the middle man from PPV. from what I've read WWE apparently only makes around 20% of PPV revenue. So, whats 20% of 50? 10 bucks. So now all the people who torrent and stream will give this a try because your getting 12 PPVS plus their whole archive plus original content for the price of 2 PPVS, for an entire year. Not to mention customer moral will skyrocket. Also, Meltzer has said that Benoit WILL be on the network, so you can still see some of his amazing matches on the network.

WWE created PPV and now their gonna destroy it
Yeah there gonna put a warning message in front of his matches. I'd just never be able to watch his matches the same way again. Unless it's like a Royal Rumble. I was watching Royal Rumble 2007 a little earlier and other when he first came out you hardly noticed him. He was one of my favorites but I've never really been able to watch anything with him since "it" happened.
Really hoping mania will look something like this

Bryan(Rumble winner) vs Lesnar(beats Orton at EC in a chamber or match)
HHH/Punk(basically confirmed)

Jericho would have to fit in somewhere I guess, as hes advertised for shows soon, maybe vs Sheamus? dude is returning soon and those two are both awesome ring workers.

also, if anyone has any spare time I recommend they watch Ricky Steamboat vs Rick Rude 30 minute Iron man match, incredible match, watched it yesterday and was blown away

Really hoping mania will look something like this

Bryan(Rumble winner) vs Lesnar(beats Orton at EC in a chamber or match)
HHH/Punk(basically confirmed)

Jericho would have to fit in somewhere I guess, as hes advertised for shows soon, maybe vs Sheamus? dude is returning soon and those two are both awesome ring workers.

also, if anyone has any spare time I recommend they watch Ricky Steamboat vs Rick Rude 30 minute Iron man match, incredible match, watched it yesterday and was blown away


Bryan will never be WWE champion if they keep booking the way they are, a day reign for your most over guy? Constantly burying him, its beyond me Vince/Trips need to get over their egos and their weird fetishes for bodybuilders.