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The WWE Thread

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How are they burying him? The guy beat John Cena clean in the main event of your second biggest show? then he got screwed by the authority time and time again, so much that he was out of the title picture, this means that him winning the Rumble against an amazing heel like Lesnar means he finally gets the title, sorta like when HBK beat Bret at WM 12(though hopefully his match will be much better than that garbage). And no doubt this Wyatt storyline has made him super over, I mean, did you see that Monday?

If WWE plays their cards right, they could make Bryan a huge star, all while preparing for the future with guys like the Shield,Rhodes, and Cesaro, all 5 of those guys could become major stars(even if I dislike Ambrose)

Bryan can play the underdog face so well in a match, and Lesnar is Lesnar so no doubt the match will be great.
Lesnar/Bryan would be an AMAZING main event. That would be the preferred route. I guess as for the other top guys you do what Smitty mentioned. That would be a hell of a card. WWE is gonna just have to accept the fact how over Bryan is. I think they defiantly wanted to drag the Wyatt thing more but they saw how the fans couldn't stand it.
I thought the Wyatt storyline was good for what it was:a filler feud. They had a decent match on PPV, and then it had an awesome ending. Thought it was the right decision tbh, they wanted to keep the title on Orton, but they realized that having like 7 Orton/Bryan matches in a row wasn't gonna cut it, however having a Orton/Show and an Orton/Cena feud was a terrible idea.

I'll get the ball rolling with my FULL mania predictions.

Lesnar vs Bryan
Cena vs Taker
HHH vs Punk
Batista vs Orton
Goldust vs Cody Rhodes(have two brothers open the show 20 years after two brothers had the best opening match of all time!)
The shield vs the Wyatts
Chris Jericho vs Sheamus
Antonio Cesaro vs Rey Mysterio

last two are random picks but would still be great matches, would love to see Ziggler on the card but thats just not gonna happen, dude is officially a jobber
Watch this, might be DB's best moment yet

nothing else was really worth it from RAW except maybe the NAO and Punk vs the shield

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How are they burying him? The guy beat John Cena clean in the main event of your second biggest show? then he got screwed by the authority time and time again, so much that he was out of the title picture, this means that him winning the Rumble against an amazing heel like Lesnar means he finally gets the title, sorta like when HBK beat Bret at WM 12(though hopefully his match will be much better than that garbage). And no doubt this Wyatt storyline has made him super over, I mean, did you see that Monday?

If WWE plays their cards right, they could make Bryan a huge star, all while preparing for the future with guys like the Shield,Rhodes, and Cesaro, all 5 of those guys could become major stars(even if I dislike Ambrose)

Bryan can play the underdog face so well in a match, and Lesnar is Lesnar so no doubt the match will be great.

He beat Cena clean for the championship for it to be taken off him a couple days later. Granted it built a feud with Orton, he lost constantly to Orton his momentum was huge and at the end of that story line he should have overcome the odds. No he didn't, he got dumped into the mid-card as soon as Cena came back with the Wyatt family. I doubt the predictions of Bryan vs Lesnar will happen. Lesnar will not be the champion unless they can get him on a full time contract (which I doubt he wants to sign).

Bryan is there biggest face and they constantly seem to make him lose, it will stop the momentum eventually. I find Orton incredibly dull, he isn't a great heel. Whenever he's on the mic the crowd is normally silent, no booing or interest.

Bryan is already a star, he just needs to stop been buried constantly, they can make stars out off each member of the shield hopefully Ambrose/Rollins don't get neglected after Reigns gets his singles run.
I disagree, pretty sure people are using the term "being buried"too often, just because someone isn't booked to win constantly doesn't mean their being buried.

Wanna see a real burial? Look at Dolph Ziggler
Rumors are that Daniel Bryan suffered a concussion during the cage match last week. It's gonna be a shame if he can't participate in the Rumble match. However I think he can come in late in the match and not really have to take any bumps and still win the match. I speak for a lot of fans when I say it'll be a disappointment if he's not closing the show leading the Yes chants pointing at the Wrestlemania sign. Hopefully 2 weeks off gets him cleared for action
I disagree, pretty sure people are using the term "being buried"too often, just because someone isn't booked to win constantly doesn't mean their being buried.

Wanna see a real burial? Look at Dolph Ziggler

Looks like Bryan isn't in the rumble there goes your dreams of him main eventing wrestlemania against Lesnar, tell me again how he isn't buried constantly?
Still 9 spots to fill in the match, so you never know

If its not him its Punk, the dude deserves a rumble victory and a mania ME

Just not Dave "Skinny Jeans" Batista plz
Saw that there's 5 spots left. If one of those isn't Daniel Bryan then that's a travesty. No one wants to see Batista win honestly. Very lackluster return he had. Hopefully if not Bryan then Punk, who hopefully goes the distance and wins, since it's confirmed he's #1.
Who else can really win it? Maybe someone like Sheamus returns? The Rock? Undertaker?

It's gotta be a surprise cause as of now it seems all too obvious Punk will win. Unless of course Cena loses and enters..
Who else can really win it? Maybe someone like Sheamus returns? The Rock? Undertaker?

It's gotta be a surprise cause as of now it seems all too obvious Punk will win. Unless of course Cena loses and enters..

Yeah I reckon Bryan won't be in it, he really has been buried no one can deny that. He was in the main event against Orton (who is incredibly boring imo) and constantly lost as the underdog face, by getting screwed over. TO end the storyline he had to win the championship and overcome the odds, this didn't happen he just got lobbed into the middle card and looks like that's the way its going to be.

I reckon the winner of the rumble will be Batista, Punk, Roman Reigns, Seamus or Cena if he pulls a Hogan rumble win.

Out of those options it would be dreadful unless it was Punk or Reigns who wins the rumble and I don't think Reigns is ready for that caliber of win yet.
Reigns ain't ready yet. The Shield are honestly one of the few bright spots. All of there matches are fantastic and the 3 of them are good workers. I'm not ready for them to break up to be honest.

The Rumble is really lacking in star power besides Punk and Batista, which is why Bryan must be in. Unless there's a few surprises. I'm fully expecting Sheamus to return. Possibly Undertaker but doubt it. Jericho I doubt since he returned in the Rumble last year and if you know anything about him, he won't want to do the same thing he did last year. So I honestly have no clue what's gonna happen
Reigns ain't ready yet. The Shield are honestly one of the few bright spots. All of there matches are fantastic and the 3 of them are good workers. I'm not ready for them to break up to be honest.

The Rumble is really lacking in star power besides Punk and Batista, which is why Bryan must be in. Unless there's a few surprises. I'm fully expecting Sheamus to return. Possibly Undertaker but doubt it. Jericho I doubt since he returned in the Rumble last year and if you know anything about him, he won't want to do the same thing he did last year. So I honestly have no clue what's gonna happen

I reckon it's gonna be disappointing, hopefully I am wrong. Bryan needs his championship reign now, it's crazy it hasn't happened yet. Punk is rumored to be retiring in the next year or so, I expect him to win the rumble and wrestlemania for a lengthy title run.

Theres 10 spots left according to Wikipedia, so that means we can guarantee Sheamus, 3 or 4 legends, maybe 2 NXT guys, other surprises, I think DB is gonna be in the match, predicting #30 is him and he wins it.

I guess I'll just agree to disagree on the whole being buried thing, really think they were just holding off his big title win till mania

Excited for the Rumble though, and EC, because if we get BORK in the chamber(EC is in his hometown) it might be better than that amazing NYR 2005 chamber

Theres 10 spots left according to Wikipedia, so that means we can guarantee Sheamus, 3 or 4 legends, maybe 2 NXT guys, other surprises, I think DB is gonna be in the match, predicting #30 is him and he wins it.

I guess I'll just agree to disagree on the whole being buried thing, really think they were just holding off his big title win till mania

Excited for the Rumble though, and EC, because if we get BORK in the chamber(EC is in his hometown) it might be better than that amazing NYR 2005 chamber

I'm hoping your right, I just can't see it. Him losing in the way he did to Sheamus and his last title reign.
Alright Bats, you were right, pardon my language, but WWE is F****** stupid, this tweet by Foley tells it all

Mick Foley ‏@realmickfoley
Does @WWE actually hate their own audience? I've never been so disgusted with a PPV.
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^^I agree wholeheartedly. My dad was keeping me in the know as he watched it and I was just like what the heck is their problem? Batista should have stayed away. I thought it would be good but no….just no.

According to my dad, Bryan and Wyatt was the best match
The Royal Rumble has always been my favorite PPV but tonight was just pure garbage. The crowd could care less about the Cena/Orton match. Bryan/YES/Boring/Cena sucks chants throughout. Including "We want refunds". And this is before the rumble match. Around the 20th entrant crowd starts chanting for Bryan. Batista comes out to boos, Punk gets eliminated in lame fashion. Rey Mysterio of all people is #30 and he gets booed out of the building. No one wanted to see Batista win, Roman Reigns was even getting support before he was eliminated.

Everyone wants to see Bryan, no matter how much they try to bury him. He did have a good match with Wyatt, and even though he lost it made sense. They are trying to build Bray for his feud with Cena, where he will then be buried. Just shows how much control HHH has now. New Age Outlaws winning the tag titles is cool from a nostalgic standpoint but I don't see where it's going. Kevin Nash as a surprise entrant was cool, but it was done 3 years ago. Orton/Batista likely main event at WrestleMania, barring WWE changing it up after the universally negative reaction to tonight. All Triple H's guys. And he's also likely to book himself over Punk at Mania since Punks likely out the door come summer time.

Haven't been this upset after a PPV since I was a kid.