Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular - Nighttime Show | Page 18 | Inside Universal Forums

Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular - Nighttime Show

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They are trying too... but this site has already kicked them so very hard (thanks to bobwadd). Leaving plans out on the deck of a boat in full view... that really makes me giggle at how secretive they think they are. Has the local news grabbed those print photos? If not, anyone have some fun and send them to the general managers to make into a bitty story. They love this filler dirt. I know this first hand.

one of the local news sites found them.. forgot which one though...
That video was actually pretty funny. At least they're finally acknowledging it instead of being like "What lagoon show?" :follows you around the park:
We need a thread rename now :thumbs:

I love the artwork and this show looks like it will blow away 360 and Dynamite Nights, now they need to get some sort of lagoon or parade in IOA too.
Having scene WOC at DCA a few months ago, I cannot wait for this. Once Potter opened my immediate response was now we need a new night time show to keep the guest occupied and give them a reason to stay til closing. Well Universal has delivered big time. Also I am very happy with Morgan Freeman as the narrator.
I am SUPER excited about this show, it looks it's going to absolutely spectacular. Hope Uni. doesn't disappoint. I'll definitely stay at the park later to see the whole thing.
Preview of Show Footage.

They can call it a WOC rip-off all they want but there's nothing like it on the east coast at least.
They can call it a WOC rip-off all they want but there's nothing like it on the east coast at least.

Oh, it's definitely a rip-off. But if it's well done, I'm all for it.

And in reality...WoC wasn't all that original to begin with. Aquatine was doing these types of shows before WoC.
Lol, the only thing that universal has done right (in my opinion) is the WWOHP and Spidermen. Let's see how this comes out. Copycats ! Lmao
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