So the 3 timeline thing was confirmed- good. And most of the stuff finally is solved- where is present delores, etc. But we got a lot of neat additions now as well:
Arnold 33/35 years old timeline:
We see a fully functioning center below the church. We see several hosts who are starting to become self-aware- one of which is Angela (the blonde who welcomed William and the one who stabbed Teddy). So Angela was in Westworld as a host before she was at the center as a host/greeter and she started to become self aware there. We also know that is where Delores has had all of her meetings with Arnold (who we thought was bernard)- in that spot- in that building. OK- that's about all there.
William 30 years old timeline:
The weakest of the timelines, but still starting to see more things come out. Like the picture that we see in the earlier episodes of his wife (lady in times square), and the massacre that William did. I'm ready to see his full realization to MiB. Guessing we'll find out in the finale. I also believe we saw the aftermath of the "incident" in the church area where the functioning center was below the confessional. It appears Delores kills everyone in there- so we should see this also next episode. Oh ya, and Logan is apparently the hand to the king from GoT with his cool pin
Other than that, a resounding "meh" from williams timeline.
Current timeline:
By far the best of the bunch. We have Maive, we have Ford. Need I say more?
This is where the most is going on.
-35 years ago shes becoming sentient
-30 years ago shes reprogrammed and is welcoming guests
-presently she appears to be completely sentient again. Her most important line to MiB "The maze isn't for you". We find out, it isn't. The Maze is for the hosts to figure out sentience based on their inner-voices. She had it 35 years ago, and now shes fully aware again- all without Arnold being alive or Bernard's touch. This kind of got sideswept, but she's fully there. She knows all about Teddy and she is trying to get him to be sentient too. He just "isn't ready yet". There is way more to this story.
-I liked his scene with Charlotte. Made him seem more human / humane.
-We also found out that he, along with Charlotte, are
both trying to smuggle the info.
-He shows up at the church, Delores recoils. We FINALLY get to see current Delores
-I still think MiB isn't a bad guy- and that he didn't rape/kill Delores in the barn. Keep in mind, his wife who killed herself didn't love him and he was clearly in love with a robot... In fact, we know MiB learned how Maive originally came "alive" by having something happen to her cornerstone. I believe MiB has just been trying to shake Delores' "cornerstone" for her to become self-aware, and it hasn't worked. It's actually a tragic love-story and he's not bad in the slightest.
-Can't wait for this story- I'm anticipating this the most- if they do it right, they can really pull off some serious emotions here. The only thing that sucks is you have 3 of your weakest actors trying to attempt it (William, Delores, and an MiB that has been very one dimensional- not a knock on Ed Harris, just the character arc/personality is lacking).
-It was clear she was retracing her steps, hence all the flashbacks, visions, etc. Everything- and I mean everything we were speculating on regarding that is now confirmed. Glad to put this to rest.
-How is she going to kill Arnold? Why? This doesn't make much sense, but hopefully we get this answer next episode.
Finally, a quick little nugget:
Ford suggests that humans have essentially killed everything on earth. No more animals or anything. We killed all them, now weve made robots to quench that thirst. Interesting. Also liked Delores saying that everyone keeps talking about getting her out- but if out there is so good, why are they paying to come in Westworld. Nice...