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The WWE Thread

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If Undertaker was going to retire after Wrestlemania 30 maybe they could announce it now. Do a year-long farewell tour. That would get fans to attend the shows since he would probably be there, get one last chance to see him. It would give them the ratings icreae they want especially with Punk, Rock, and others gone indefinitely. Create competition (like how Punk won chance to face Taker) for people to want to face him at PPVs. It probably wouldn't work or WWE would ruin it, but that's an idea to keep Taker around for a full year this time since it would be his last and give him the respect he deserves. Just throwing it out there..

Maybe he has a few more WrestleManias left, WrestleMania 30 would be a good place for it, but so far they've really downplayed the idea of the 30th WrestleMania. I remember when WrestleMania 20 was announced they were making a huge deal of it, with the "Where it all begins again" tag line. We're still obviously still a year away so we'll see. I don't see how his opponent will be anyone other than John Cena though, unless they do the rematch with Punk and save Cena for 31
Maybe he has a few more WrestleManias left, WrestleMania 30 would be a good place for it, but so far they've really downplayed the idea of the 30th WrestleMania. I remember when WrestleMania 20 was announced they were making a huge deal of it, with the "Where it all begins again" tag line. We're still obviously still a year away so we'll see. I don't see how his opponent will be anyone other than John Cena though, unless they do the rematch with Punk and save Cena for 31

Well they were in MSG for that too. They had a 5-hour show (they won't do that again.) They were already in NYC (via NJ) this year. He may have some more left but I would actually like the guy to stick around more than 1 month leading up to WM and having one match. Maybeeee they could have WM 31 in Dallas at Cowboy Stadium and have Taker retire in front of home fans in Texas (says he's from Houston but they were just there a few years ago too..not going to go back so soon.)
Did anyone see that Ziggler suffered a concussion and even some memory loss of Monday and Tuesday? What I wouldn't give to forget Raw last Monday :lol:

I really hope that he comes back soon but not too soon where it's rushed. Can't take this stuff lightly now. I love the last paragraph in the article about it on though.

"When I asked, over and over, what happened, AJ told me that Swagger kicked me in the head," said Dolph. "Apparently, all I said was ‘classic Swags.’ As for Del Rio, even a zombified me is more charismatic than Del Rio. I don’t get him. Maybe because he’s closer to my Dad’s age."

Here's the video of it from Smackdown. I think it's the kick around the 0:28 mark.

I think the WWE used to be sooo fun and exciting, until they ruined them selves. The attitude era was so awesome. It all started to go down hill after ECW ended. Then they fired Jeff Hardy and the story lines got dull. I went to WM27 And it was by far the worst wrestlemania ever. (This is all IMO)
I think the WWE used to be sooo fun and exciting, until they ruined them selves. The attitude era was so awesome. It all started to go down hill after ECW ended. Then they fired Jeff Hardy and the story lines got dull. I went to WM27 And it was by far the worst wrestlemania ever. (This is all IMO)

It's a different time, different guys are there, etc.. The Attitude era was great for what/when it was, but even if they did all of that today they wouldn't get the same popularity. It was the guys like Stone Cold and The Rock who built them up to what they became then, and those guys aren't there now. WWE jumped on that reality-era trend right when it was taking off and it paid off big time for them; now they are just trying to maintain as much publicity as possible and to do that they need to be PG and have a bunch of corporate sponsorships so that their guys are everywhere.

Hell the best thing they have to the Attitude era is CM Punk, and he had the title for a year and didn't draw in big numbers unfortunately. Heck they've even brought in a lot of fresh talent with most of the retreads in TNA now. If TNA could step it up and create competition then maybe WWE would get more creative as well; they thrived when their backs were against the wall. I'm not sure what they need to do to do well again, but I can tell you having Cena win all the time and pushing guys who can't wrestle isn't the right answer.
I bought extreme rules though, looking forward to it

I'm sorry.. :down:

Without Ziggler, Punk, or Taker and the rest of the card looking mediocre I'm not looking forward to it at all. I'm skipping this PPV like I do most of them (though if they were on WWE Network and that was cheap I'd watch them.)
I'm sorry.. :down:

Without Ziggler, Punk, or Taker and the rest of the card looking mediocre I'm not looking forward to it at all. I'm skipping this PPV like I do most of them (though if they were on WWE Network and that was cheap I'd watch them.)

eh, its mostly to see the shield/ team hell no and to see HHH/Lesnar III. I streamed it last year, it was the best ppv of the year IMO, so I just forked the money over. I stream them all usually except for Mania and the Royal Rumble.
I believe two words can sum up extreme rules: RIP OFF

The shield matches were the only good ones, Cena Ryback was ok, the main event (HHH/Lensar) was horrible, this feud better be over.
I caught the very end of the show... and now it is bothering me even more.. what the hell was the point of HHH winning at WrestleMania? Egotistical.
After reading the results I'm glad I skipped it. Instant replay was funny but I don't mind it too much; having a no content in a WWE Championship match on a PPV (and it not being the main event, which is obvious why it wasn't now) is just highway robbery. That's something WCW would do back in its final days.
Let Lesnar's feud with HHH end already and have him face recent Superstars currently like Sheamus, Alberto del Rio or heck even CM Punk. Recycled feuds like Undertaker, Randy Orton and Big Show are okay as well. At least one happened with Cena and did attacked recents like 3MB and Miz during his talk show.
I, along with everyone else was hoping for RVD. But it turned out to be Michael McGillicutty a.k.a Joe Hennig, son of Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig. He now goes by the name of Curtis Axel. I don't know why they just don't call him by his real name. A little indifferent on it but it's Paul Heyman so he'll make it work somehow. I'm not sure where RVD would have fit with the storylines considering he's a natural babyface. I was hoping something would happen at the end,but that was kind of a lame ending