Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2 | Page 182 | Inside Universal Forums

Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2

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What RJ said.
Also, as someone who has a vacation in Orlando booked June 18-27, if you book a vacation based on Hogsmead preview dates or other such things the only person at fault is you.

Was this directed against me? I don't think I said I would blame anyone but myself for a premature ticket purchase. Unlike you, that's pretty much the only time I'll be able to travel this summer and probably for about the next year, so I'd like to see some of Plan 2 if at all possible, of course. But I'll be in Florida one way or another. I might cancel my on-site Universal hotel reservations if there are absolutely no softs on anything at that point and opt for Disney instead, however. I would definitely rather be given the chance to ride the Hogwarts Express at least once than go the Disney route, but it would be no one's fault by my own if that doesn't happen.

What I really was hoping someone would respond to, preferably in a non-accusatory manner, was whether Jungle Skip, who said soft openings wouldn't occur before June 15, had insider info that the rest of us should be aware of. But from the last few pages of information, it sounds like nobody knows anything for certain. So, my bad, and, ya know, thanks for the playfully commiserative response and all. :look:

Anywhoo... gotta agree with BriMan about Gambit's London Waterfront concept art. Does that really date back to May 2013? That is amazing. :thumbs:
I make models of theme park attractions for fun, and I plan on making a model of Diagon Alley and Gringotts once it all opens. I'll post pictures here for sure!!!

I would love to see them when you're finished. As for me, I have no real artistic skill, so the best I can do is make up my own Lego models, some of which are inspired by the Wizarding World. Here are my (incomplete) Three Broomsticks/Hogsmeade and Leaky Cauldron MOCs.

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Does anybody know who's making Escape From Gringotts, I heard it's Premier Rides (the same company that manufactured Mummy), correct me if I'm wrong. The trains in the concept art look a lot like Mummy.

HTF always said that it was Intamin who made the track, and I remember correctly a month or two ago Teebin (I think it was Teebin) said that there were a lot of guys from Switzerland present in DA.

I agree though, that the RV looks very similar to a Premier rides one, as does the one piece of track that was once spotted.
I was just thinking of the mistaken impression some folks were under about Express @ Cabana Bay.The Studio's are blacked out for power passes until middle of August. How many people will claim ignorance and try to board on IOA side of Hogwarts express and kick up a fuss when denied.

I have preferred passes so I will not be barred .But to stop fussing will they give express to FJ or something similar to smooth ruffled guests

I was in the express line for Transformers and there was people in front of me that had power passes trying to claim that they get express after 4 PM. They said, everyone else let us in the express line, why won't you? It just cracked me up that they actually believed they got express after 4 with the power pass. He finally looked at my pass and let me in, but before going he showed them my pass were it says express after 4 PM and how their passes did not have that. People don't read and nothing will make them read.
I was in the express line for Transformers and there was people in front of me that had power passes trying to claim that they get express after 4 PM. They said, everyone else let us in the express line, why won't you? It just cracked me up that they actually believed they got express after 4 with the power pass. He finally looked at my pass and let me in, but before going he showed them my pass were it says express after 4 PM and how their passes did not have that. People don't read and nothing will make them read.
Now I wish I had gotten Premier, only difference I saw initially was the HHN pass which with our childcare
situation we never know if we can or cannot attend year to year, but that express after 4 would have Been useful....
I was in the express line for Transformers and there was people in front of me that had power passes trying to claim that they get express after 4 PM. They said, everyone else let us in the express line, why won't you? It just cracked me up that they actually believed they got express after 4 with the power pass. He finally looked at my pass and let me in, but before going he showed them my pass were it says express after 4 PM and how their passes did not have that. People don't read and nothing will make them read.

They probably already knew, they were just seeing if they could get away with it by arguing. People will just try anything nowadays, not surprised by anything anymore.

- - - Updated - - -

Now I wish I had gotten Premier, only difference I saw initially was the HHN pass which with our childcare
situation we never know if we can or cannot attend year to year, but that express after 4 would have Been useful....

You can always upgrade! I had been out of contract for a while, and went ahead and upgraded to the Premiere last year. Basically I had to start a new plan, with new down payment, but after that the payments have been about the same really, within $1/month of what I was paying before. And thank you for reminding me, I need to take my little water coupons that say 2013 and exchange them for 2014 ones.
He finally looked at my pass and let me in, but before going he showed them my pass were it says express after 4 PM and how their passes did not have that. People don't read and nothing will make them read.

Too funny!

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I have been wondering, but if FJ was to get express, how would they do that queue line wise?
Speaking of Universal keeping silent on their progress, the official press release that came with the new 30-second ads said that there were three of them, with the third coming "in the near future." I expected it to be out by now. Perhaps the third ad will give the Grand Opening date and they want to be really, really sure before they put that out there? :shrug:

Actually, I kind of expected some little something from them on the April 1st, since it is the Weasley twins' birthday.
I am confused, was the wall moved back towards the London facades or forward towards the water?
Along the embankment it was pushed toward the London facade about 8 feet, widening the path. Closer to the Amity bathroom and the path towards fear factor its been moved away from London, narrowing the path.
Who is Marc Kleinhenz? I do not hop around to every fan site to see what is going on and so I am at a loss with this person. Does he ever actually know stuff or is he merely blowing smoke?
Who is Marc Kleinhenz? I do not hop around to every fan site to see what is going on and so I am at a loss with this person. Does he ever actually know stuff or is he merely blowing smoke?

Typically that rumor round up is info that's posted from other sites like this one, screamscape, parkscope, and so on. Its typically just relayed info.
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